Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE

Any feedback from users of his PROTON/ ELECTRON aligning pad?
POSITIVE  or Negative  gains from your hard earned$$$ spent on it?
If positive explain:
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geoffkatt, i had to laugh at your reply, 'most things don't last 10 years' - hmm, you must buy some pretty crappy stuff.  my speakers, amp, preamp and DAC has all lasted over 10 years.  Of course that is assuming the battery last 10 years which is an unsubstantiated claim.   to say it doesn't degrade wouldn't you need to know the draw and voltage required of the IQSE.  
ozzy, are there any markings on the battery?
But no previous Sonic Tonic for audio tweaks. That's kind of the point, no?

If you actually care about enforcing a trademark, then no. You don't really have a right to be upset, if you don't bother to register the trademark.

I have thirty products. Do you really think I'm going to pursue patents and trademarks? And enforce them?  Come on!


Did you ask your vendor about the purpose of the battery, and what happens when it's fully drained?

Did you return the iQSE or are they still beneficial for your system?