Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?

Showing 14 responses by knghifi

Very interesting Irvrobinson! So your friends were able to hear differences in your system but you can't?

I've had Cardas, Audioquest and Nordost in my system and they are very very different.
These forums are a great place to learn but one needs an OPEN mind. It's possible rok2id upgraded from his Yugo with a new perspective?
Cables more hype than value?
What are the opinions out there?
Tobb (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
That can be said about every purchase ... cars, clothes ... Value is different for everyone and up to an individual consumer.
02-18-13: Tobb
I stand to be corrected!
We did a test this weekend with an 800.00 pair of interconnects that a contact loaned us and a 60.00 pair.
I can hear the difference but it was not in favor of the 800.00 pair.

The $800 cable is highlighting flaws in your system/components so the less expensive is a superior match. You are building a SYSTEM of components and they all have to work/integrate well together.

If you put a Porsche engine in a Yugo, the extra hp and torque will highlight the chassis, suspension ... flaws in the Yugo. It doesn't mean the Porsche engine is bad and not worth the $ but just in a wrong system/car. So obviously the Yugo orig engine is better in a Yugo.

02-20-13: Bander
I wonder who's more fortunate, those whose hearing is so compromised that differences between cables can't be discerned or those like myself who have spent not a small amount of money on cables and experience huge sonic benifits. Can't we just all get along?

That's easy, I rather have a high resolution system where I can detect all changes than someone using a boom box or/and deaf.

02-21-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ rok2id,Hi, I do not want to make you angry like some of the other people on this forum,so please excuse me,It ...

I understand most members want to be respectful and not come across as snobs but you wasting your breath. You can talk all you want but unless they experience it for themselves, they will never believe you. This is TRUE with everything and not just Audio cables.

I'm into cars and some of my friends don't understand the fascination for Porsches. Once they experience driving one themselve, all agree their is NO SUBSTITUDE!

02-23-13: Almarg ... Concerning the broader issue that is being, um, discussed here, I would point out that a belief that cables can sound different, to which I subscribe, says nothing about the degree of correlation that can be expected between cable performance and cable price.

No kidding, what commodity does? Cars, clothing ... up to the individual consume to decide for themselves.
Not sure why didn't worked in my post ...

Audiolabyrinth, I use ASI Liveline ICs and SCs and HiDiamond PCs.
I'm sure everybody has some old monster cables in the basement. I forgot the reason and also tried them/SC several years ago. My experience is very different than Polks, they had NO bass, highs but just a congested mid sound ... horrible!

These are the ones with clear shrink wrap and all copper conductor. I believe 1st generation ...
Irvrobinson, I'm not waiting for some sort of entertaining debate so don't put words in my mouth.

Like I said many times, I shop with my ears for audio components ... buy what sounds good. If the last .00001 cm of a PC improves the sound of my system, I will buy it. Simple!
03-08-13: Irvrobinson

These are the ones with clear shrink wrap and all copper conductor. I believe 1st generation ...

I use speaker cables like that, but I can't remember the brand offhand. Carolco? 10 gauge. Flat bass, great highs. Not congested. Awesome sound.
Irvrobinson (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
That's fantastic and I'm very happy for you. At one point, I thought they were fantastic too!
Irvrobinson & Rok2id, what cables have you guys used in your systems?

It's possible the cables you used have similar sonic characteristics so can't find a difference in your system?

When I was using Krell amps, MIT and Transparent were my favorite cables. Their IC sounds the same but MIT SC is more open where Transparent is darker. If you throw in Nordost, the sound completely changes and it was very very OBVIOUS.
03-24-13: Llanger
Re: Food Analogies
Do $5,000.00 cables taste better than $30.00 cables?
Llanger (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
YES to some palates. A great example is wine.
03-27-13: Bryoncunningham
Some people never fail to miss the point. The point is not that value and expense NEVER correlate. The point is that value and expense do not ALWAYS correlate.

Bryoncunningham (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
It's a personal decision and we all have our vices.
I'm not reluctant to admit I have 3 expensive watches. My lifestyle has changed so don't wear them and are locked up in a safe deposit box.

What's interesting is it has appreciated over the years especially the one with 18K gold. Sure wish I can say the same for my audio stuff.

I think there are 2 audio dealers on Agon that accept watches and cameras as trade for audio components. Maybe one of these days I'll trade them in for something VERY nice :-)
04-10-13: Isochronism
"Does a $5,000 dollar watch tell time any better than a 30 dollar watch?"
The simple answer is no. Actually the $30 watch will be + or - about 15 seconds per month where a mechanical (a real watch) will be + or - app. 10 seconds per day, depending upon variables. Would you notice this difference without testing on a watch timer? (Witschi) No.
I grew up in the Antique business and was a Watchmaker for many years. I have only vintage watches. I choose a watch for the day, give it some winds and set it. Am I synchronized with GMT standard? Not unless I happened to get very lucky. Is it important to me? no.
Will the Rolex keep better time with the installation of a Diamond Bezel? Again, obviously no.
Now the $30 dollar cable could possibly sound better than the $5,000 dollar cable in a particular given system.
Now, would a diamond encrusted cable sound better...... ?
Isochronism (Answers | This Thread)
You're missing the point, expensive watches are accessories similar to a necklace, bracelet, designer clothing ... some call it style. A bad analogy with cable.