Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.


Showing 50 responses by ozzy


I don't think Bob has had any time to update his website. Best way is to send him an email. But forewarned, it sounds like it may take time for him to get back to you.


Congrats on the purchases, I know I'm very pleased.


Please cool it and keep the thread on track.


lak,and jmcgrogan, are correct. I bought mine during the introduction. I am not sure what the current going price is that's why I think you need to contact Bob.

There has been another thread on the Cable Forum about a CPT power cable that is designed to provide balanced power. I wanted to try it with the Cerious Technologies Graphene Extremes so I ordered one and today I received it.

First impression, it is much larger unit than I thought it would be and on first listen the audio was so-so. The video from a cable box was also just so-so, nothing special.

But... 20 minutes later the video from my cable box is looking much better and the audio is improving. I don’t know why I am surprised because I know power cords need to break in. But, with the video you can almost see the picture improving as you watch it. 20 minutes isn't very long but it has improved immensely.

I think with the audio I need to give it more time. However, what I’m now hearing is becoming mighty impressive, with no downside.  
I have everything running from my PS Audio P-10. I had to use 3- DIY (non filtered) 8 way outlets daisy chained from my PS P-10. I mean I have everything coming from the one CPT 300. All of my audio components are using the Cerious Technologies Graphene power cables.

So, I think using utilizing the best of both designs, the CPT 300 with its balanced design feeding the Cerious Technologies Graphene Extremes is going to be an awesome combination.

Enter your text ...


At one time I owned the SR Apex speaker cables. The Graphene Extremes is way better!


I know, and not only does it sound good but they are well made.

Actually, I think the speaker cables and interconnects are even better! Don't sit on the sidelines, jump in!


Bob is probably stressed out as we all are at times. I started this thread knowing that he is basically a one man operation with many years of experience. He is a decent guy.


Sorry, I have no experience with the SR element cables just the SR Apex.

You may have to be the "guinea pig."


Thanks, for your comments.

What exactly does graphene do to improve the sound quality?  Is it a super conductor? Then why would it help speaker drivers?


Nice review. Was the Lumin the equipment that was used in the trial?

At one time I owned the HF ultimate interconnects and the digital cable and though they were very good , I was getting a low level hum that was annoying. Perhaps it was because they were single ended where as all of my other interconnects are balanced. Or maybe my equipment didn’t like the magnetism, I don’t know.

Anyway, I sold them and I am now very pleased with the Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme balanced interconnects, speaker cables and power cords.

I must add in my experience, moving the Cerious cables around does affect the sound for a while. After all it has a liquid slurry inside that needs to resettle for optimum sound. On the other hand, the HF cables with there magnets also affect the signal when disconnected or reconnected. And both the Cerious Graphene and the CPT do need hours on them to sound there best.

And... my last point is there is a synergy with using a complete loom of the same type of cables. After all they were probably developed together.


No I never thought I needed to clean the RCA's maybe that explains the hum.

I think you will be impressed with the Graphene Extremes.


I think you will really like the speaker cables. I am using a 4 meter dual runs (bi-wiring).


Congrats on the digital cables. I have both the RCA and the XLR versions.

As I stated on the other thread I am using the CPT 300 on my low power equipment utilizing a DIY 8 way junction box. From there I have the Graphene Extremes going to the individual components.


I agree!


Didn't you just post about a graphene spray? Why is this so different?

Man, lighten up!


I have just compared the Cerious Technologies Graphene XLR interconnects to the new Reveal ( magnet) XLR interconnects. Although others have claimed the magnet interconnects to be superior to the Cerious. I’m here to tell you that I am not one.

Once I removed and replaced the Cerious Graphene cables with the magnet cable the sound stage became dark, lacking separation and the frequency extremes. I did this comparison over some time after letting each version settle in for a few days.

Now, this could be that I have a complete loom of all Cerious cables and substituting just one interconnect from another manufacturer is not fair. But I cannot afford the prices charged for the magnet cables to try and replace all of the Cerious Graphene cables.

Again, this is in my system and with my ears, so your impression may be different. But this "audiophile" is sticking with the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables.



I used the cable from the source (PS Audio Direct Stream Dac).


The CT-1 are single ended interconnects.


My other trials of the HFC cables were the single ended (RCA) version. I had the HFC Ultimate interconnects. Quite pricey!

I thought that perhaps it was not a fair trial because all my equipment and cables are balanced and using XLR connections.

The only cable that HFC makes that is balanced is the new Reveals. So, with the raves and I being a cable junky had to give them a try again.

Sorry, no bashing just my opinion. Yours maybe different and that's ok.



That must have been a very recent change. They never were available as XLR's because the connectors had magnets in them and that would make them too large.

The new Reveal's do not have the magnets in the connectors. They chose to place the magnets midway on the cable.

I would like to try the 30K Pro series, however, I would have to rob a bank!


I will add that I do have 16 of the HFC MC-0.5's on my 3 dedicated circuits.



I do have the MC-0.5’s spread out over 3 dedicated outlets, it seemed that the more I added the better the sound.


It does seem that the cleaner the power the better. BTW, I also have 3 Bybee line filters one on each line. Two balanced power conditioners, one on the digital and another with my power amps (Core Power). All AC outlets are Furutech rhodium.

And, I have 2 sets of ERS cloth over my breakers. Now, if I could only find a high end circuit breaker...



I assure you that Bob’s Graphene cables are WAY better than his previous versions.

So are you saying you are going to try the Cerious Graphene cables? Or are you looking for free review samples?

Heck, if you can afford the HFC Pro’s just the sales tax on them would outfit a complete loom of Bob’s Cerious Graphene cables. Don't try to smoke a free pair from a one man band trying to keep up with demand.



Did you get the RCA or XLR version?

What do you use in your main system?


It will be interesting to hear your results of the Cerious GE Digital against the HF UR Digital cable on your main system.


5 meter pair of XLR interconnects eh ? I have a double (bi-wire) 4 meter set of the Cerious GE speaker cables.

 I think Bob said the tedious part is getting the "slurry" to flow through the length of the cables.


Very impressive comparison. I'm glad I posted this thread so others can enjoy the quality at a very reasonable price.

By the way, the McCartney is 24/44 is that correct?

We all love our systems, and have them set up the way it sounds best to us.

audiolabyrinth, It would be interesting someday for you to try the Cerious Graphene Extremes in your main system and post the results.

Anyhow, has anyone else recently purchased the Cerious Technologies cables?


Congratulations on the Cerious cables. The speaker cables are something special.


I have tried so many power cords. With my ears and my system the Cerious cables are in the top tier and at the lowest price.


I have had many private emails as to my power arrangement. So here it is;

I am using a HiDiamond P4 to power my PS P-10 generator. Out of the P10 I am using the balanced power cord CPT 300 into a power strip. My Digital components and Preamp are plugged into that power strip using the CT Graphene cables. My Pass Labs Amp runs straight to the wall with the CT Graphene power cable.

I have 3 dedicated lines. All using 10 gauge wire with Furutech outlets. One line is for the PS Audio, the 2nd for my Amp and the third for my JL Audio F-113 subs.

The power strip I am using is a DIY version that uses Military spec silver/copper 10 gauge wire directly wired to Oyaide outlets. The IEC inlet is Furutech. The box itself is thick aluminum. 


They will get better over time. I think its because of the slurry that Bob puts inside it needs to settle. But I thought they sounded pretty good right away. What do you think of the cables?


What Bobs says is true. If you had your speakers toed in before try moving them out with less toe in. Mine are not toed in very much and I think the soundstage is massive.


I owned those AZ cables many moons ago and then moved on through many iterations of cables to where I am today. You will really enjoy the Cerious Graphene Cables.


I just tried to read about the Teo's. Is it truly a liquid conductor? Too bad its not made in XLR or I would try one. Is $500 a meter the price?


I just received the sample Graphene Contact Enhancer from the Mad Scientist in New Zealand. It came in a tube that is a little thicker than the size of a fuse. Inside the tube is what looks like an oily black liquid.

I put a dab on my amp fuses. Then I turned them on and for a few minutes the sound was dark sounding, but after 15 minutes things opened up.

The instructions says, "The first place to try is on analog interconnects. But you can use them on just about any place where metal meets metal on a contact." Other places to try them is speaker cables, fuses, plugs, even on tubes pins!

It will take a few days for me assess the value of the product so stay tuned...



Thanks! I’m such a sucker for new tweaks...

Today, I applied the oil to my speaker cable connections, and the output interconnects connections to the amps. This sure is a messy substance. Make sure you cover the floor and wear gloves if you use this stuff. I may have applied too little, but better to start thin.

I’ll give it a few days, to evaluate before I add anymore.




The main thing is to try to avoid unplugging them and moving them.

I think you will really enjoy them.



Your statement is similar to Ricky Nelson's song, The Garden Party.

"You can't please everyone so you got to please yourself".

Folks I warned you at the beginning of this thread. Bob is not set up for a huge influx of orders. Never has and probably never will. But for those who are patient and appreciate the high quality sound obtained from his design you will be rewarded. Search out the video as to how these cables are produced. They are nothing like the mass produced stuff that costs much more with their high $ advertising, dealers and such.

No Bob, wants to control the manufacturing in a way that guarantees that the quality is built into each and every product.


lancelock, I have a P10 and I would also be interested in the use of the blue PC on it. I have tried the yellow (power conditioning) cable on it, but I still preferred the HiDiamond P4. I am using the yellow PC on my BSG QOL and it is great there.


I have owned or tied most of the high end cables before I installed the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables.These are at the end of my journey.

I will say that moving the CE cables takes them time to resettle before they again sound there best due to the liquid slurry inside so A/B comparison will be tough.


I did own the Audiodharma cable cooker for quite some time. But once I bought the High Diamond cables with their extreme rigidly I ended up selling the Cooker. I never thought I would take them out of the system again to recondition. Now, with the CE cables which are more flexible  I could have used it. 

I totally agree that cables need time to break in. But, the CE cables sounded pretty good right away. However moving them around does take time for them to resettle.

Well the Mad Scientist Graphene liquid was a no go in my system. In my system it added a darkness to the sound. It actually seemed to insulate more than conduct if that makes sense. Perhaps if you had a bright sounding system this stuff would tame it.

Cleaning the stuff off is a pain.



I just couldn't listen to my system with that stuff on the connectors.


The extreme av was good, but the stuff changes and after a while it was not so good and I had to remove it.

Clean contacts to me is the best.

However, I do like stabilant 22 and I have recently received some substance from an Audiogon member that is showing potential.
