Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

Much of what the Dunlavy's do so well depends on listening from the correct location.
Junkie, sorry; I can't give you any info on the AR9's, but I just thought I'd chime in anyhow. I have a pair of SC3's that I bought over 10 years ago. To this day I'm always blown away by how they sound. They are very revealing, meaning that if you have a bad recording, you are going to hear it. It doesn't stand in the music's way. They are time aligned and phase coherent. I'll warn you; the sweet spot is narrow. But you'll be cleaning or cooking, so it wont matter. I believe that mine roll off around 40 hz or so, but I don't miss any low end. Bass is very tight, clean and quick. And the mids and highs are to die for, especially close-miked voices; bone chilling. I'm always amazed at the tweeters as well; the articulation of metal brushes on a ride cymbal, the attack and decay of a rim shot, stacatto notes from a flute, all sound so crisp and clear. I haven't heard that level of clarity from a ribbon tweeter. Although John Dunlavy said you didn't need megawatts to drive these, I believe they march firmly to the beat with 150 to 300 watts of solid state (some tube afficianodos could recommend similar tube configurations). I do have a little sub (VS 10"). But, to be honest, I rarely run it. $1,500 for a pair of SC 4's is a really good price. I saw that you started this thread on 12/16, and as of 12/26 you are still on the fence. You better grab them before someone else does. Good luck.
Has anyone or does anyone have any feedback or done a dollar for dollar comparison between the real Telydyne AR9 speaker and the Dunlavy SCIV speakers? Looking for feedback as to which speaker for the dollar is the better choice? I can get my hands on a set of AR9 speakers for $1,100 bucks shipped and all surrounds have been replaced and cabinets are flawless. I also can get my hands on a set of SCIV speakers for $1,500 Delivered. I know both speakers are good but wanted feedback on dollar forthe ddollar which would be the best to live with?
Rrog, Agreed I wish they were anything but black. I hate black speakers. But for the price and what I'm getting I guess I can't complain. I should have no issues with the drivers blending as I don't often sit in my sweet spot and listen to music. I'm more of an active music listener. By this I mean I typically am listening to my music while cleaning the house, cooking, or doing laundry.
2channeljunkie, The Dunlavy SCIV is a great speaker, one of the best ever. This is not a near field speaker. Because of the wide span of the drivers you will need to be the proper distance from the speakers for the drivers to blend properly. So, you will need a larger than average room to get the best sound. Ignore the comments about brittle or bright sound. These are not Dunlavy characteristics. I have used these speakers on long and short walls with excellent results, but they need to be set up properly. I was recently offered SCIVs in rosewood for $2,000. I think rosewood is more desirable than black.
For $1500, delivered, if you have a room big enough for them and can take their size they're a good deal. The original SC IV actually listed for $4,000 a pair, as I recall (my dealer was among the first to carry them, and I remember being surprised at the price given the price for the similar Duntech Princesses I owned at the time), and 40% of list for something of that age and quality is about right, IMHO. I wouldn't worry too much about the bass extension on them, either, given your subs. Assuming your room acoustics don't create problems, I think you'll find the quality of the bass will overshadow the lack of ultimate extension.
I think 1500 is a great deal and what a heck or a speaker for that price but you do have to almost like the fact that they are so huge. They are impressive but the bass is lacking for the the size is all I'm saying. I may have never gotten them set up just right as they are supposed to go on the long wall and I couldn't do that. It's not like they don't have more bass than much smaller speakers but for the size it's weak. The Von schweikert vr4 jrs did better in my room and are 1/4 th the size. I don't like a speaker that big personally so if something is going to dominate the room like those do then it better but out some serious bass in my opinion. If that is not an issue for you then it sounds like a good deal. You could probably sell for more than that if you don't like.
Jeffga, Sounds like you and a few others agree that these need to be set up on the long wall to get better imaging?
Meadow man I belive these are the first series with the Morel Woofers and Vifa tweeters. I would much rather have accurate and articulate bass than boomy sloppy bass. I do have a set of pretty decent subs that I could run with the Dunlavys if need be.Sounds like the going prive for the improved SCIV's and SCIVA's is around $2,000 to $2,500 is it safe to say that $1,500 for a set of orginal SCIV's is a good deal?
Many years ago, I heard a pair set up in the middle of a hi-fi shop. It was a large room and the speakers were a long distance from any boundaries. The sound absolutely blew me away, with amazing clarity and detail. Most impressive was how the sound just hung in space; there was simply no sense at all that the sound was coming from speakers. It was one of those "oh my god, I want that sound in my house, but I'll never be able to afford it" moments I have experienced a few times in stores (usually it's just the opposite).

I was not really into high-end gear back then, so I have no idea what the ancillary equipment was. Nor can I really speak to how they might sound in your room. In that context, though, they sounded very very good.
They sounded brittle (bright) with less than expected bass performance (using tube electronics). Honestly, they were horrible on certain recordings. After owning these, I had some Coincident Total Eclipse's.....night & day better. I would take the original Legacy Focus over the SCIV's. I heard them sound good in another person's home..on long wall...they imaged very well. I do not like bright speakers.
One very important distinction has not been made clear. Are these the first series with the Morel Woofers and Vifa 26 tweeters? If so, then the bass will roll off in most rooms around 45 hz. That seems to be "weak" but the good news is the bass the will produce is articulate, detailed and has timbral shading like real music.
If they are the "improved" version with the Vifa woofers and Vifa 27 tweeters, they will make bass well into the mid 30s in a normal room.
I run an pair of SC-IV improved with bass supplemented by a pair of Velodyne HGS 15s. Sealed box subs fed via speaker level inputs to allow the Dunlavys to see full range signal and keep the phase angle of the amp/speakers the same as the phase angle of the amp/subs. Do I "need" 2 15" woofers in the rig to make me happy? No. My wife does! Her nickname is the "Bass Queen". I could be very happy with no subs at all but will admit that they do open the soundstage and that tracks like Man Machine from the live Kraftwerk album are more fun when you can shake the foundation!
I would not part with my Dunlavys for less than $2500, but then again mine are not for sale.
Thanks for the response. Ejlif I know that there are better speakers out there either at a higher price or lower price range. The SCIV are on the radar due to the price $1,500.00 dollars no shipping dropped off at my door. How disapointing is the bass in these speakers and do they require subs? I have seen other speakers in this price range but not locally. Which means I have to add on 300 to 400 doallars for shipping which then exceeds my budget. The SCIV's look apealing due to this fact. If there are a better set of speakers locally in the Columbus area please chime in.

I would pay 1800-2000. I've heard of driver failures and its a real headache so there is a little risk involved. I've had a pair and personally unless you like the size I think you can do better. For as big as they are the bass is quite weak at least it was in my room. The 5 and 6s are a whole other story.
There was a pair of Rosewood SCIV speakers for sale here on Audiogon this past summer for $2700.00 from a dealer (traded in).


I have seen other pairs on here for between $2200-$3000. The black ones would not be worth as much as the more exotic wood types, given that the condition of the speakers are close to the same.

IMHO, I would pay maybe $2000-$2200 for a pair of black ones. Of course, this is just my opinion. Also, there is value in the delivery and trade-up/trade-in policy of your dealer, (if they have one).
Rrog. Thanks for the response the speakers are finished in black oak. no shipping as they are part of another deal that my audio store I shop at locally has put together. If we make a deal the speakers would be dropped off at my door step. The speakers are in excellent condition from seeing them and from the demo that I had. Does this give any indication of what's the most I dhould be willing to pay.
$2k max IMHO. If you cannot place on long wall, will not sound great (in my experience). I had to put on short wall and did not like.
There will always be a following for Dunlavy SCIV.
The value is determined by condition, type of wood finish and whether the speakers can be shipped.