Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?

Just wondering if the people that own any of these simply amazing HiDiamond cables can explain the characteristics and why/how they seem to create the live experience like no other cable has. THX in advance for sharing your thoughts....

Showing 9 responses by bacardi

@Ozzy, I have noticed my overall volume level has increased. Attributing to the cleaner signal for sure. I really noticed it on my subwoofer, almost 10db's more...Of all the cables owned I never had this experience with the volume increase at all....
Has anyone tried the Synergistic research speaker cells on any HD7 or HD8 speaker wire and what were your results in detail. Thx in advance.
Clyde_crashcup; at about 450-500 hours you will really hear the HD8 speaker wire sparkle.
When I installed my D8 speaker cable I had an immediate increase in detail, soundstage, resolution, and more information came through my speakers. As hours passed everything became acurately layed back and never forward. The soundstage gained depth and width well outside my speakers with amazing pinpoint imaging. Im not at the 500 hour mark yet but probably around 350-400. I am still hearing sounds and instruments I never heard before.
I think I am at my full break-in(500 hours) as I noticed while after a few days, especially my D9 interconnects had just bloomed from recent listening. Almost like an amazing glitter came from my front wall that literally caught my attention. It was like hearing glass shatter and tinkle on the ground as I got goosebumps down my back..WOW..These D9's are simply amazing.....
@Sabai, I think Joeyboynj is obviousely maybe one of S.R's greatest fans. He has to put down HD even though he hasn't even tried them. Wow. Very unprofessional of someone to do or say things to down a company as highly regarded as HiDiamond. I think that's called trashing. And they have nothing to hide at all. What a comment-lol.
Ok. I was metaphorically speaking. Common guys/gals. I've had an experience with glass shattering and that's what I was comparing it to. I do believe walking into the room, turning the system on and playing a song that literally gave me the experience with delicacy which gave me the above resemblance. That's all....lol....another instance.....

The movie Battle Los Angeles, the scene where the military were coming out of the house and the aliens were hidden beyond the smoke, the sonic details and effects were like you were there as the cameraman. The aliens start firing streams of electrical charges and the clarity ,ultra detail and dynamics were simply incredible. Basically the best movie for dynamics, soundstage, and knock you off your seat suspense that I've watched so far with these cables in my system.....These cables get you so involved with what is happening on screen in a movie, or with a band playing music that everything else just disappears.....
@Joeyboynj, you may very well say goodbye as I have done. I have kept my Powercell 10 SE, 3 TeslaPlexes and 2 Galileo dual mpc's. I have recently bought a Tranquility Base and Basik which are both amazing pieces.

I think you should try this. Buy a HD Power3 and replace it with your S.R Hologram A or D. Sell the one and buy 3 more Power 3's with the money. Sell the next then move onto the speaker and interconnects. You will see how the HiDiamond league will damper the S.R stuff. It is truly amazing topnotch quality. JUST DO IT!!!!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!!
I must say that I agree 100% with Paz307. Since I first started replacing my system with Hidiamond cables my critical listening of music and theatrical movie experiences has progressed immensely and become more and moe enjoyable. It has been really fun playing old music and I just can't stop enjoying it over and over day after day. Music to me is the way to end an evening. With all the P3/P4's, xlr2, D8 speaker and D9 interconnects my system has never sounded this good. With a few more upgrades and tweeks I can push the envelope to achieve my listening goal and step off the merry-go-round. In the end, you'll listen to the music, and not your system. All I can say is "yes, they do reveal the live show" in my room!