Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?

Just wondering if the people that own any of these simply amazing HiDiamond cables can explain the characteristics and why/how they seem to create the live experience like no other cable has. THX in advance for sharing your thoughts....
I'm still loving all of my HiDiamond Cables. The only ones I have not tried yet is the speaker cables.
I have the top HD speaker cables. They were a real game-changer for my system. I would not be without them.
Ok. I was metaphorically speaking. Common guys/gals. I've had an experience with glass shattering and that's what I was comparing it to. I do believe walking into the room, turning the system on and playing a song that literally gave me the experience with delicacy which gave me the above resemblance. That's all....lol....another instance.....

The movie Battle Los Angeles, the scene where the military were coming out of the house and the aliens were hidden beyond the smoke, the sonic details and effects were like you were there as the cameraman. The aliens start firing streams of electrical charges and the clarity ,ultra detail and dynamics were simply incredible. Basically the best movie for dynamics, soundstage, and knock you off your seat suspense that I've watched so far with these cables in my system.....These cables get you so involved with what is happening on screen in a movie, or with a band playing music that everything else just disappears.....
You hit the nail on the head. "These cables get you so involved ... that everything else just disappears." I have never experienced this level of involvement and naturalness with any other cables.
will be adding my last 2 HD3 pcs tonight after 2 days cooking on my Audiodharma Pro cooker..that will make 5 in all with one Elrod Statement Gold on my PS Audio P-10.should be interesting..