New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k

Narrowing down my selection and the reference 3 a mm de capo with all the current upgrades seems to be the winner thus far. That speaker is around 3k. In the next sequence of spending upwards..we have the 3k to 6k interested in what anybody has listended to that is mind blowing.
I have just bought The Scansonic MB-1 vor my 2nd home ...
I heard them with Jeff Rowland Electronic, i was very Impressed
Open Sound, high resolving, astonishing bass for bookshelves, beautifull desapearing Act, the music appears like an Hologramm in the space in front of you ... Overall excellent !
As Jeff Rowland was not within my Budget i tried other Electronics
Belcanto all in one dac , preamp , Amp ... Weak
Bladelius Thor MkIII with DAC fantastic ... I got it used for less than 2000!
Bookshelf speakers for 3 to 6K? WTF? WHY?

Bookshelf speakers reproduce "Midgets Playing Music" !

Get good large speakers for "life Size" sound imaging!
Ny, I shouldn't have said anything... If you don't have something nice to

Congrats on your new speakers by the way. I looked them up lastnight and
they look nice. Happy listening!
It really seems like someone has a screw loose here. The wall treatments in that listening room better be made of rubber!
What's going on here? Any moderators should please intervene and put an end to this nonsense.
I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen toI listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off . I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off
Excellent choice and congrats Nyaudio98.I purchased the JMR Orfeo Supremes last spring and enjoy them immensely.First heard The Offrande Supremes at RMAF and was hooked.You will love 'em.Let us know your further impressions once you've spent some time with them.Cheers.
IF you are open to NOT spending that much for bookshelf speakers I have two pair that can be had for well under $1000 that I would use on shelves if I had to.

One is my larger refurbed OHM Ls. These can be had via the OHM online store newly refurbed with modern components when available for about $500/pair. They sold for $400 a pair back in the late 70's, so adjust that for inflation for an indicator of what new speakers in the same cateory would cost today.

The other is my smaller Triangle Titus XL monitors that I bought new for about $500 in the late nineties that still sound wonderful.

I probably would not spend that much for speakers that would be going on a bookshelf.

For stand mounted monitors, Totem Mani II are the ones I have heard that I like best.
Best bookshelfs that I have heard in this price range:
Totem Mani-2
or secondhand, Dynaudio Special 25, C1
I listened to the JMR offrende supreme V2 and at 5900 shipped I decided to order them, they were stunning to listen to. I got almost 2k off
Really enjoyed the Scansonic bookshelf speakers at RMAF.
I think the price was around $2200. Nothing under $10,000 that surpassed them.
I have auditioned both the Anima and the Anima CS.

The advance model (CS) will bring the price close to 6Ks and it claims to incorporate a number of "special noise-reduction" treatments. Not to my ears. Definitely not worth the steep price for basically the same speaker.

The Anima retails for $3,250.00 w/out stands. The dedicated stands are pricey! Around $1,500.00.

Honestly, we used Sound Anchor stands and they sounded fantastic!

John Marks posted a great review of the Canalis Anima on Stereophile (Feb 19, 2013).
KIKO 65 ty for the info. Did u listen to the Cannalis or the advanced model which is around 6k ?
I have extensively auditioned the Canalis Anima at least a dozen times at my local dealer (Hollywood Sound), mostly driven by top of the line Rogue Audio through Townshend Audio Rock 7/Lyra Kleos or WT Amadeus/Lyra Delos. StraightWire Maestro speaker/interconnect cables.

Larry (owner) and I both agree that this unassuming gem is all you will ever need for a medium size room. Currently saving to buy me a pair :-)

Why the wait? I'm very happy with the GoldenEar Triton 7s for my large listening room and the Silverline Minuet Supreme Pluses for my small listening room.
Like the Ref. 3As too, but I'd go for a lightly used pair of Joseph Audio Pulsars.
Spiral Groove Canalis Anima is the best bookshelf speakers I have ever auditioned, regardless of price. Don't own them.......yet :-)

For the cost...The cables that I have found to be the most neutral and fast, open and clear yet still completely fleshing out harmonic content, ie depth and spacial as well as you are there vocals is ZENTARA Reference. Pure copper 8 meter pair, Furutech spades around a grand. Unbelievable value.
B_limo, yes it's both the mid woofer and tweeter. Jed's done such a great job at integration that I have to say, again, I still can't detect the crossover. I don't know which model of mid woofer but on his site he states that it's the latest with an improved motor/magnet structure, or something like it.

I've been fiddling with speaker cables for the last hour or so and tried some Mapleshade Double Helix and it went in the wrong direction. Next up were an old pair of Clear Day single run SCs with spade connectors and the treble opened up nicely, almost to that of the Tonians, but not quite. The trade off was a lessening of the lower mids and bass a tad but it's a nice trade off for now.

I don't understand just yet how the Tempo Electric SCs ruled the day with my Tonians and had a "hooded" effect with the Clearwave Duets. All I can think of is the gauge. The Clear Day SCs are of a smaller gauge and are easier to toss around but still silver so that may have something to do with it.

Anyway, the speakers are sounding better and better and I feel my obsessive compulsive tendencies returning. Is that a good thing?

All the best,
Let's throw another hat into the ring, ACF..just won bookshelf stand mount speaker of the yr abs sound and some people i've spoken to have said it's mindblowing what u hear for 4399..
Spiral Groove Canalis Anima is the best bookshelf speakers I have ever auditioned, regardless of price. Don't own them.......yet :-)
Is that an Accuton mid and tweet? If so, do know which model?

Accuton and Raal have been catching my eye lately.
Danoroo, I recently read some favorable reviews on ceramic drivers, specifically Accuton, that got me thinking.
Sarjan Eban's of on the Albedo Apticas.
Scott Hall's from the Parttimeaudiophile on the predecessor to the Duets, the Symphonia 7R.
Jack Robert's review of the Fritz Accuton 6 over at

I've heard ceramic drivers a long time ago and wasn't impressed but then I came across these reviews and also noted that some of the best high end makers use some form of Accuton drivers with great results. This led me to try out the Clearwave Duet 6s and found out that these are not same as the earlier drivers as they can be fast, detailed and very evenly balanced, to my ears.

I'd like to get a better response measurement for in room response because so far, they measure quite flat and present a sound that takes some getting used to.
Gone are the soaring highs but when the recording has it, they can go quite high. It's just not exaggerated. The upper mids to upper bass is what gets me. It has the sense of being fully fleshed out which can seem a bit dark sounding (rich?), but they're still breaking in. Until I get my stands for proper isolation, I can't really make a definitive statement. On good recordings they can sound wonderful.

I'm tempted to say "world class" but fear the tag of "hyperbolic". I say this as I'm taken back by the frequency range of these speakers and the fully fleshed out sound. Tone and timbre are wonderful on cello, guitar, vocals, small jazz ensembles. Long term listening will tell.

OTOH, I can be all wet on this. :-)

All the best,
@Nonoise. May I ask what prompted you to consider (and purchase) these speakers?
Also, I get your meaning on a speaker that can be too fast. For 5 years I loved the Tonians for what they can do. The music seems to be lit up from within and one can hear all manner of complexities with ease. They start and stop on a dime. They can be quite beguiling.

The Clearwave Duets take a different path by laying on a healthy layer of tone and density in a consistent manner from (what I can gather so far) top to bottom. While breaking in during the first 70 hours or so I thought I'd made the biggest mistake of my life. Then all of a sudden it opened up, and continues to do so.

Side by side with the Tonians, they can at first seem a bit dark, but I'm hearing rather deeply into the recording, like with the Tonians but not as lit up from within. It's the space around the instruments that are taking on a more equal footing with the instruments, if that makes sense. As that happens, the layering is becoming more apparent. It's a totally different approach and perspective and I can see why some love tubes with the Tonians (slow the speed a tad and flesh out the notes) and why SS is the way to go with the Clearwaves.

On thing I had to get used to is the tweeter position as they need to be firing right at you lest the highs drop off. Going from a ribbon to a dome demands accommodations but the rewards are a crossover I really can't detect as of yet.
Jed (the designer) did a great job on this.

More time will tell as they continue to break in.

All the best,
My room is on the small side being about 15' X 10' with my speakers along the long wall, about 10' apart, 1 1/2 ' from the front wall and I sit about 7' back from the plane of the speakers with my head about 1' from the rear wall. It opens on one end to the rest of the apartment (kitchen and dining area) and it's just shy of 8' tall.

A true man's cave to say the least. :-)

As to which speaker, I was referring to the TL-D1s.

All the best,

Nice job on your in room measuring. What are the dimensions of the room?


What model are you referring to? Tony's speakers are very Tony. His speakers are extremely revealing and pure etc. I have not done a direct comparison with Tony's speakers but the GT SE's, which are Alex's top speaker @ $3500 are presenting true 3 dimensional see-through sound within its frequency range that presents (in my opinion) a Wilson-esque subjective fullness but with a purity and ability to pull every bit of micro acoustic detail and portrait it with its accurate amount of pressurization...from the recording... to the extent your equipment is capable. That may sound like fluff but in all honesty, for a small 2 way it can do some things I've never heard before. There's a fine line between dynamically accurate yet not be too fast so that the leading edge still serves the harmonic fabric which must seem to hang in the air... Somehow this speaker captures both; It has accurate (subjectively realistic) micro (especially) and macro dynamics with true harmonic definition and complexity, even sweetness. It is not perfect however (what is) and like any truly great loudspeaker (transparent and mostly characterless) if time isn't taken to won't reach the summit. And for the record, I think some of Tony's speaker can be too fast...If you get my meaning.

Thanks for the offer but I still have about a hundred hours of break in before I settle on these speakers so as to not kick myself in the rear for not trying something else :-)

I'm curious about something you mentioned on another thread about Tonian Labs and how you feel they are one of the best bargains out there. Do you feel that the Wavetouch monitors have a similar sound to the Tonians? If so, then they are some mighty fine speakers. It's just that I wanted to try a speaker that has the ability to mimic the Tonians (speed, see thru qualities, dynamics, etc.) and add more extension and pack a fuller tone, if you will, on the mids and bass, which the Clearwaves are now doing.

All the best,
"01-17-15: Nyaudio98
I started this thread to see what other thought of speakers costing more and which ones. The ref 3 a de capo's have gotten sensational feedback from many many many people. "

Thats really not the best way to go about this. Depending on a variety of factors, you may prefer a speaker that costs less. The only thing better than a $6000 pair of speakers is a pair of $3000 that sound just as good, if not better.

As far as recommending a speaker goes, I have a pair of Wilson Cubs that sound pretty good. If you find a good used pair, try and demo them.

I have heard great things about your speaker, mostly on AG.

As you may know I've become extremely impressed with current offerings from Wavetouch Audio. I would be very interested in a comparison between
the Clearwave Duet 6 and a pair of current model GT's. Do you happen to be in the Los Angeles area?...or know of another owner here that might be game for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each?

I'm presently breaking in some Clearwave Duet 6 monitors and they're at the $3K range you mentioned. These are some truly remarkable speakers that come across as so naturally balanced, top to bottom, that this is the first time I won't even consider a sub.

In room measurements done with a RatShack SPL meter bears this out and I did it from the listening position and about 1M from the speakers. I'm getting measurable response all the way down to 31.5Hz from these beauties and there's no bloat (this is at comfortable listening levels averaging in the mid 60s SPL) From 1Khz down to 50Hz it's +/-2 db, 60db @40Hz and 53db@31.5Hz.

I know this is a rough example and I only used test tones from an old Stereophile test CD but it goes a long way towards explaining the full and balanced sound I'm getting. I haven't heard sound like this from a speaker, let alone a monitor.

All the best,
Of those mentioned in this thread the JM Reynaud Offrande
Supreme and the Joseph Audio Pulsars are excellent
choices. I have not heard the others mentioned here but
am a proponent of time coherent speaker speakers like the
DeCapo. I have heard nothing but good things about the
Decapo also. To throw one more hat into the ring, the
Intuitive Design Summit is a great speaker in this price
range. They are time coherent as well. The Path Stand
system and stillpoints are a necessary part of the set up
though. If you are willing to go through the effort to
maximize their set up, they will reward you like few
speakers can.

The Vapor Audio Aurora and Cirrus both belong in this
discussion as well. Very worthy contenders for sure and
both will clearly play louder than the Summit if that is
important to you. There are many very fine monitors in
this price range.
I started this thread to see what other thought of speakers costing more and which ones. The ref 3 a de capo's have gotten sensational feedback from many many many people.
I find the Reference 3A De Capo's to be very satisfying speakers - - easy to drive, and very alive sounding without the crossover. I've lived with a pair of i's for over 5 years now.

I, too, have been very impressed by the Joseph Audio Pulsar's, but have only heard them at shows.
I love my B&W PM1's. I first had the Kef ls50's. And I really tried to love them. They were good but were missing a fullness and richness that the pm1's had in spades.
You can find the JA Pulsar used in the range you are looking at. Awesome good stand mount. Blew my mind...