New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

soundermn ...

Thanks for stopping by the pub.

As long as you don’t start raising hell in the pub and try to burn it down like a few arsonists have in the past, you are welcome here. And no ... I am not a moderator, only the person who started the thread, and one who wants to keep it on track without personal attacks or attempts to destroy a fellow businessman who is trying to introduce a new product. For clarity, I humbly suggest that you start on page one and read the thread in its entirety with an open mind. Hopefully, you’ll gain some insight into what I’m talking about. 

Over time, I’ve started numerous threads here on A’gon regarding products that I find beneficial to my audio system. Here’s a few:

Audio Research ... Ref 75 se.
Herbie’s ... tube dampeners.
SR ... HFT’s
SR ... Level III power cords.
SR ... Red, Black & Blue fuses.
Originlive ... Custom turntable belt.
Audio Technica ... OC9-Mk III & ART-9.
VonGaylord ... Speaker cables and interconnect cables. 

In about half of these threads, I’ve been attacked, demeaned, called a "shill," a "paid employee," and on and on ...

Nothing wrong with legitimate, constructive criticism of course, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Its the same sick individuals over and over who take delight in destroying anything that appears positive.

When an individual says that a product is a "scam," or "bunk," without ever trying it, well ... there is a hidden agenda of some type in the works. These are the ones I refer to as destroyers and arsonists.

I believe these are the same types who take delight in keying a brand new car in a parking lot .... just out of pure jealousy, envy and hate. Its a sickness that contributes to the breakdown of our civil society.

Since when is the businessman to be demeaned? Since when is it okay to make an attempt to drive an entrepreneur out of business for entertainment? There’s about four or five individuals who lurk on these threads and look for opportunities to be total jerks. I’ll call them out every time.


soundermn ...

  • "... with some fans touting the product excessively."

What seems excessive to one, doesn’t necessarily seem excessive to others.

Could "excessive touting" be nothing more than enthusiasm for a product?

Guyz ...

1.  There is no website for Total Contact at this point in time.  Stay tuned. 

2.  While Brian Kyle's Silver based product was good initially, it eventually degraded the sound. "Total Contact" keeps improving the sound. 

3.  Total Contact is a graphene based product. Brian Kyle's was not. 

4.  I have used both Brian Kyle's product, eventually removing all of it because of the eventual degradation in sound quality ... and now the "Total Contact," which is trans formative when applied to audio products. 

5.  I have done my entire system with Tim Mrock's "Total Contact." There has been NO degradation in SQ in any of the three versions I've tried, including the best of all ... the last version. It just continues to improve as time passes ... even after the 4 and 8 week breakthroughs. This is the version that is cryo'd and the one that will be available for sale as the final product. 

6.  Based upon my experience with contact enhancers, "Total Contact," considering the major improvement it brings to one's audio system, is well worth the asking price. For the price of one tube - $299.99 - its like upgrading one's system with much more expensive electronics or speakers. Its worth the money just for the 8 week jump in SQ. Personally, I've never heard anything quite like the super clarity that occurs at that 8 week point. Uncanny, really. 

7.  I tried the SR Black and the SR Blue fuses without the "Total Contact," and with it. With it was clearly the better option. Like the other applications to power cords and IC's for example, the results are the same type of improvement in SQ. So go ahead ... paste the end caps of your fuses and you'll get an improvement there also. It works on every electrical contact from your circuit breakers to your speaker terminals. 

8.  Over the years I've used Pro Gold contact enhancer and the Red  to clean my contact areas. The "Total Contact" product is clearly night and day better and serves a different purpose. 

Yes, there are other contact enhancers out there. Some are based upon Brian Kyle's work, and others are an attempt to get the graphene technology to work. 

 As I said before, one of the major keys is in the binder. If you don't get the binder right, the graphene won't mix correctly and you end up with an oily mess.  There is no oily mess with the "Total Contact." Its a real break through. 


Again ... I have used Caig products, both the Pro Gold and the Red contact cleaner. It always sounded a little bright after the initial applications and took maybe half of a listening session to finally calm down. Good stuff overall though. I know people who use Caig Pro Gold about once a month on all of their contacts. 

I used Brian's Gold/Silver paste extensively, eventually having to take it off because of the sound degradation. I really wanted it to work as Brian and I became friends, even hooking up at the CES in Vegas with the two of us going from room to room trying to demonstrate his product to the various dealers, distributors and manufactures. We got one major electronics manufacture to try it out ... and to the delight of all, it made a significant improvement in his room. 

I have used three sets of Tim Mrock's "Total Contact" graphene paste over the past year, each incarnation of which continued improving. No negatives to report except for one shorted tube ... my fault on this one. I don't recommend pasting the tube  pins all the way to the glass. Just about a quarter way up the tube pin should do, if you do the tube pins at all. 

Geofffkiat ...

You can believe it or not believe it ... but as we will find out when it starts getting used by other members here, "Total Contact" blows the rest of what's out there, present or past, including the Quicksilver Gold  into the dust bin of audio history. 

Mac48025 ...

My understanding is that the Walker product is a LOT ... a LOT like Brian Kyle's.  Pretty much the same sound signature. The graphene/binder in"Total Contact" takes the technology to a new planet. Again, the clarity that pops open at the eight week point is incredible. 


oem-wheels ...

The initial application is all you need unless you start removing and reconnecting your contact points. 

Geoffkait ...

"Free"  has nothing to do with my evaluation. If it didn't sound right, or the product degraded the sound, I'd say so. I feel NO obligation to report that something is a positive thing when it is not. 

You realize that you are questioning my honesty, right? Was there anything in my evaluation of the SR fuses .... from the original Red fuse thread, right through the Blue fuse thread, that would  lead you to believe that I'm a dishonest person? If so ... name it. If you cannot name it, then perhaps you should be a little more sensitive and therefore more socially acceptable in your writings. In other words, think before you press the "post your response" button. 

Damn! Who opened the gate?? *lol*

AMG ...

I think you complain too much. You are not a victim here. No one is telling you to leave the thread. Whats happening here is, you seem to be uncomfortable with the tone of this thread for what ever reason. It was suggested that if you're too uncomfortable, then perhaps you'd find the thread down the street to be more suitable and more tuned to your liking. Big difference between insisting that you leave the thread, and handing you a choice, no? 

Its all good, so relax and enjoy the conversation at the bar. 

And speaking of the bar, my friend Robert came over for a listening session tonight. In tow, was a bottle Tequila that was to die for. He found it at an estate sale today and it had been sitting in someone's bar for over 30 years. Two bucks for a bottle of some of the very best Tequila I've ever had. 

The system was exemplary tonight. :-)

I’m laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.

Yep, as a beta tester, I got a free sample. But ... there was  no contract involved where I had to agree to give a positive review. In fact, if I had found TC to be degrading to the sound of my system, instead of being transformative as it was, I would have most likely never started this thread in the first place.

Geoff sez:

  • Pop Quiz - Now see if you can figure out why you in particular were selected.

I would like to think it was because Tim Mrock trusted me, based upon other threads that I’ve participated in, to give an honest evaluation of his product. No more, no less. 

Pop quiz: Was there a reason why you were not chosen, Geoff?

 Geoff ... 

Sorry man. Sometimes you're a bit hard to follow. 

Who's Judge Judy?? 

Who's John Galt??

In the  meantime, those who have taken the leap, and are now using Total Contact, constitute some of the happiest audiophiles on the planet. That would include me. As far as the other users, just read their reviews in this thread.

For those who haven't taken the leap ... you should ASAP.

For those who continually knock a product that you haven't seen or used ... you continue to look silly.

Carry on ...

Geoff ...

Again, do you consider what you write before hitting the "Post" button?

"Frank, whatever."
 "...why are you even here?"

"I’m not trying to be mean ..."

Really, Geoff? You're not trying to be mean? Then what in hell is your intent? State it Junior.

^^^ "To educate and entertain?" I see. Same delusions as those suffered by that good old boy and laugh a minute  Ted Bundy.

Again, what is your intent? Name it.

And by the way Geoff, at my age most people on the planet are my Junior, Junior ...

Shadorne sez .,.,,.

"Salesmen on commission can be rather pushy to the point of being really obnoxious, especially when the profit margins are huge."

I’d venture to say that you wouldn’t make it one week in the sales field, Shadorne. As soon as you’d find out that you have to consistently approach perfect strangers, pique their interest, make an appointment for the evening in order to sit down with the husband and wife, then give a convincing presentation while overcoming all objections, then hand them the agreement and a pen and ask them to sign your contract, often well past midnight ... that’s when you would be reduced to a puddle of tears.

In addition to that, Shadorne, as an independent contractor, you’d have to give up all of the security you have right now. Think about it ... you’d be paying both sides of your Social Security payments ... that’s 15% of your gross income before taxes. No paid vacations. No paid health care. No employer shared stock plan.

You wouldn’t dare.

 What you would do, would be to sit back, consider the successful salespeople in the firm "lucky," and then lob pot-shots at them while whispering to others of your ilk, that the successful ones must be cheating in some way.

And here you are calling salespeople "obnoxious." You haven’t a clue of what you’re talking about.

And by the way, Shadorne, what do you find so attractive about this thread? You have no interest in buying or even trying the product at hand, and yet you continue spewing your nonsense here. I’ve asked you several times before ... what is your intent here Shadorne?

sbayne sez ...

How much graphene is in Total Contact? What is mixed with the graphene that is in it?

Suggestion ... PM Tim Mrock. I'm sure he would gladly tell you exactly how he makes it. 

Shadorne sez ...

Since this entire thread is all a bunch of nonsense claims about TC paste, more nonsense really doesn’t add or subtract anything (except maybe you’re angry because it subtracts from your sales and profits)

Angry? Nope, not me. 

The nonsense is being spewed by you, Shadorne, not me. You haven't tried the product and have no idea of the benefits, and yet, you continue to call it nonsense. That, junior, is nonsense.

Its not MY sales involved here, Shadorne ... I'm just an enthusiast who uses the product and wants others to benefit as I have.

Now then, how about telling us what problems you have with profits? Does your employer make profits? If not, how does he/she keep the doors open? If not for profits, you wouldn't have a job.

Angry? Nope ... it was intended to be a teaching moment for you ... but then, perhaps your prejudices and preconceived notions won't allow you to be open minded enough to be educated in the ways of outside sales. 

Well, I tried.

Moderator ...

Thank you for stepping in. Its much appreciated.

Its the same violators every time. How about just deleting their inane attacking posts and let the "normal" conversations proceed? Even some of the off topic stuff is truly interesting.

I believe that if this thread is deleted, the bad actors will just find another thread to play their games in.

Thanks ...

Geoff ....

If you think something is "free" when you spend a year evaluating a product in three difrferent versions, taking each one off before the other one is applied, then taking copious notes as the product "breaks in," continually being in contact with the person you are doing the testing for, and finally writing about your conclusions, I have a bridge to sell you.

" Frank, thanks for the purple prose. ☂️ It’s fascinating how someone who gets a free product seems obligated to defend the product to the death."

’Whoa! Hey, let’s keep this civil! I never said you were dishonest or even intimated it. I said you were incorrect. See the difference?"

Geoff ...

No, I don’t see where you said I was "incorrect" at all. Obligated to defend the product to the death? You mean even if the product being tested sounds like crap, but because the tester got a sample for "free" it obligates the tester to promote it regardless of sound quality? That’s not accusing someone of being "incorrect" my friend, its calling the person doing the testing a liar. See the difference? In other words Geoff ... Capish?

And by the way Geoff, how would you know that my evaluations are "incorrect," when you haven’t tried the product in question and have no idea of what I, and others are hearing with the product? Or, perhaps you have tried it and have some concrete conclusions of your own. If so, spell it out.

Other than just grabbing at vapors for effect, how about admitting that hey .... you liked Brian’s contact enhancer (as did I), but advancements have been made in this hobby. Maybe these guys are on to something. As good as they were Geoff, we have moved beyond Fisher 500’s.

Lay the cards on the table Son, lay them on the table. :-)


sbayne ...

Unless you have something really unusual going on with your system, the "Total Contact" application will continue to sound better .... even weeks after the application. 

shadorne ...

After 50+ years spent in a 100% commissioned sales career, my skin is about two feet thick. Your misinformed personal attacks and insults have no effect on me at all ... NONE. I hope you have a great 2018. Carry on ...

ehtoo ...

1. Release date will be in about two weeks if everything goes well. Stay tuned.

2. The binder is different. No oily mess.

3. This one really works ... and it works WAY beyond the price point for the product.

nkonor ..

Sorry, no 30 day trial. Unlike other products that may be returned for credit, like fuses for example, this one cannot be resold. If it were allowed, Tim would end up with a bunch of returned, half-full tubes.

Take a look at some of the stinking thinking in this thread ... and also the SR fuse threads being displayed by the very same negative souls. If they are so dishonest that they would denigrate a product without trying it, or knowing the effects even before a release date, would they be honest enough to give a fair evaluation of the product without using half of it, (which is more than enough to do an entire system), then sending the half tube back for a refund?

This is where the free market comes into play. The initial purchasers will be taking the risk. If it works like I and others have said, then word of mouth will make the product successful. If the consumer doesn’t like it, the product will fall out of favor and it will fail.

Read both of the SR fuse threads. The SR fuses are a great product currently being enjoyed by tens of thousands of consumers who are delighted with the results. And yet ... the naysayers are still spouting their nonsense about after market fuses.

I’m beginning to think that some of the Debbie Downers have ulterior motives in their attempted destruction of any new product. Could it be that they have their own tweak businesses like Geoff, or perhaps they work for another manufacturer and are threatened by innovators like Ted Denny and Tim Mrock? Or even more likely, they lead narrow, darkened little lives and get their rocks off by tearing at the seams of the dreams of others.

You can totally rely on one thing ... none of the genius naysayers in this and the fuse threads will have the testicular fortitude to step forward and be the first in line to buy it. In fact, they will stay in the background, continue to be drop-dead stupid, and remain as Negative Nellie’s and continue telling the rest of us what we don’t hear. They will NEVER buy the product even with all of the positive results being reported.

Geoff ...

Your reading comprehension needs work, Junior. In a previous post on page two I said this:

" 7. I tried the SR Black and the SR Blue fuses without the "Total Contact," and with it. With it was clearly the better option. Like the other applications to power cords and IC’s for example, the results are the same type of improvement in SQ. So go ahead ... paste the end caps of your fuses and you’ll get an improvement there also. It works on every electrical contact from your circuit breakers to your speaker terminals."

The very least you can do Geoff, would be to read the text before making your inane negative comments. Alcohol is a wonderful drug, isn’t it Sonny?

^^^ marqmike ...

Thanks for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 

Because I love music, I love this hobby. The closer I can get to the live performance, the better I like it. When I discover a product that gets me closer to the music, then I want to share the information. That's it in a nutshell. No ulterior motive ... just honest evaluations as I hear them. 

You guys are way too funny. Too bad they closed most of the mental institutions. Its obvious that I hit the intended nerve in my last post. You are way too transparent guyz, way too transparent. 

randy11 ... and others ... 

Since when does one need an advanced engineering degree in electronics to determine what one hears through one's own ears? Come on man, some of the most socially backward people I know have engineering degrees. Not taking anything away from engineers of course, but they DO march to the beat of a different drummer.

Like all personality types, engineers have their own specific fears ... mainly the fear of criticism. Heck, I've known engineers who cannot even take a simple suggestion let alone a criticism without blowing a cork.

When engineers buy, they buy based upon 90% logic and 10% emotion. The world of the vast non-insane buys based upon 90% emotion and 10% logic.

 Engineers suffer from analysis paralysis, while the non-insane world has no problem making decisions within seconds that would take the engineer weeks, if not months to make.  

I spent 40 years of my sales career selling real estate ... a business that most folks posting here would flat out fail at.  I've actually had engineers ask me how thick the friggin' drywall is. What? Was I supposed to drill a hole and measure the thickness?

My favorite was the guy who showed up for his final walk-through wearing a short sleeved striped dress shirt, a pair of plaid shorts, black socks and wing tips. He was smoking a pipe and blew smoke under the kitchen hood to see how effective the exhaust fan worked. At least he didn't have his hat on backward .... but I just couldn't miss the slide rule in his shirt pocket. :-) 

I hope the naysayers continue posting their nonsense in the thread. Every time they post, they bump the thread to the top of the list exposing it to an international audience. I have no doubt that once the word gets out about Tim's product, it will sell like hotcakes. 

What exactly does "Total Contact" do for an audio system?

1.  Increases the holegraphic effect of the presentation.
2.   Increases the realism of the instruments - much more organic.
3.  A "see through" quality (at eight weeks) that was totally unattainable before. 

For the price of $299.99 a sane person would think its a bargain. The mentally challenged? The guy with the loose wire? The guy with the ax to grind? Well, they're on their own and will remain marching to the beat of that different drummer wondering what the hell just happened ... as they continue bumping this thread in the direction of north. 

Thank you for that ...  


Randy brilliantly sez:

"to determine if what one hears through one's own ears is really not just confirmation bias, a basic familiarity with science would be required"

Uhh, how about 40 years experience in the audio hobby Randy? Would that make up for a lack of a chemistry degree or a doctorate in electrical engineering ... just a weensy bit?  

Then the number one Mensa member sez:

" I AM CERTAIN that you will have independent testing done with valid statistical analysis before marketing this very expensive product."

You can be as "certain" as you want, randy. I'm not doing any scientific analysis. I'm not the developer. Perhaps you should read the entire thread starting at page one before making anymore comments or making your own analysis of what I hear and/or think. Good Lord, what kind of engineer are you anyway?

Wait, on second thought randy ...  keep the comments coming ... bump the thread to keep the international audience in place, remember?? 

Geeze, do you guyz think before you post? 

Where in the laws of the universe does it say that a college degree in any subject gives one the ability to read minds, or gives one the knowledge that a product cannot work, will not work, or what it sounds like without ever experiencing it for oneself?  

Shadorne sez ...

"Frank the realtor laughs about his dumb clients. Just about says it all."

There is a difference between "laughing" and shaking one’s head in disbelief. And YOU are calling them "dumb," not me.

"So what is your commission on these tweak products (fuses and TC etc) ?"

None of your business, but if it were your business you’d find that there is no commission involved. Nada.

"Do you just get the products for free? Or is their a percentage fee - realtors work on commission..."

Again, none of your business. But yes, the product is "free" to a beta tester as long as you discount the hours spent on the testing and feel as though your time and effort is worth nothing.

You have a problem with a commission based income Shadorne? If so, name it. I’d venture to say that you wouldn’t last a week in commissioned sales. 

 And by the way Junior, Realtor is spelled with a capital "R."


There is a simple solution to relieve the fears of the Nay-Sayers ... don't buy the product. Stay home. Let other's make their own decisions .... and you go about your destructive activities elsewhere. 

The free market will decide if Total Contact will be successful or not. For those who DO make the jump, they will find that all of the "hype" was the truth. Their positive experiences will be posted here and on other forums. Word of mouth will cause others to buy the product and success will be attained. That, of course, depends upon whether the consumers feel they got good results for the money spent, or even far surpassing the money spent. Conversely, if the product is bunk, it will fall out of favor (Tice Clock) and will be unsuccessful. 

In addressing the negative posters here, especially those who have resorted to personal attacks, my suggestion would be for you to check your premises and ask yourselves exactly what your intent is.  Do you get your rocks off over the thought that you may have the power to cause a product to fail even before it hits the market? If so, why? Are you a destroyer and a looter in your "normal" life, or only as a brave keyboard warrior on the internet?

Think of the time, money and hard work spent to bring such a product to  market. Is this what you are trying to destroy? Do you have a problem with another individual's success? It certainly seems so based upon the treatment Ted Denney has received in both fuse threads and based upon your comments in this one as well.  Ask yourselves again ... what is your intent? Why are you so destructive? Here's a knife ... stick it in Ted Denney and Tim Mrock's backs. Feel better now? As I said in a previous post ... its too bad they've closed most of the mental institutions. 

Shadrone is an excellent case in point. He has no idea of what he speaks. I would LOVE to have him work with me in commissioned sales for a week or two, and when it finally dawns on him what the job entails, watch him blubber, cry and piss his pants. 

^^^ Are you drunk or high, shadorne?

Did you read the above post where I addressed all of your concerns?  Are you devoid of reading comprehension? I suspect so as your writing isn't very clear and your thought process is a bit scrambled. 

Again shadrone ... what is your intent? Name it. 


grannying ...

Thanks for the positive encouragement ... its much appreciated.,

With that said, I don't believe "innocent" describes their actions ... however, "ignorant" is much closer to the truth. 

I have never discouraged honest and respectful descent on these pages, but out and out insults, threats and slander is where the line must be drawn. 

As you know grannying ... TC is a marvelous product. How anyone can sit back, spew insults, make demands and threats without experiencing what we know to be a trans-formative product is beyond me.  I have some suspicions as to the causes however.  Among them are ... 1) Jealousy. 2) Envy. 3)  Evil intent. 4) A missing chromosome. 5) Lack of a social filter caused by some sort of autism such Asperger's  6) Some sort of a chemical imbalance causing bipolar-ism. 7) At the very least, a totally warped, negative sense of humor.


PS: I've recommended this CD before, but as the users of TC have found out, their digital playback has been transformed. I played this last night and it was simply amazing:

  • "You’re acting like a bunch of young 60 year olds."

Geoff ... I can't remember back that far. 

  • "Any teasers you can share?" 

Stay tuned. :-)

stoplitz ...

I'm really looking forward to your comparison. This should be interesting. 

Geoff sez ...

  • ’’As enthusiasts we try to maximize signal and minimize noise and distortion."

That’s exactly it. Of the contact enhancers I’ve tried/used over the years, nothing reduces noise and distortion like Total Contact. Admittedly, I haven’t tried them all. I have used Caig DeoxIT ... both the Red and the Gold. Also had a long term bout with Xtreme AV’s Quicksilver Gold. TC comes out the winner here by far.

To date, no one has reported on their results with the Mad Scientist’s product. At least not in this thread. I’m looking forward to an in depth review of both products ... TC and the Mad Scientist product by "stoplitz." I’m hoping he will cover everything from ease of application to the ultimate improvement in sound quality, especially after the eight week curing process of the TC is complete.

I’d suggest that he apply the Mad Scientist product first. Then, when satisfied that all is working to its ultimate, remove the product completely, and then apply the TC. My prediction is that he won't want to go back. 

cd318 sez ...

  • "A $10 CD player sounding like a $10,000 one after contact cleaner? Why shouldn’t it when distortion levels measure the same? Before or after CC".

1. Total Contact isn’t a contact cleaner.
2. When did you measure the distortion levels of the two CD players?
3. What’s "CC?"

dynaquest44 ...

Upset? What make you think I'm upset? Are you another genius who can tell what other's are feeling? Do you read minds? If so, you must have a degree in engineering too.

You stated that the product is "over priced" and "without merit." How about doing everyone here a huge favor and post the in depth research you've done to arrive at those conclusions. Thanks ...

shadrone ...

After going to your systems page, I'll say this: Even though you have expensive equipment, I can honestly say that if I spent an afternoon tweaking your system, you'd be amazed. I'm basing this on the errors in the way you've set up your system and your room. You're missing half of the sound you've paid for. Wife problem, right shadrone? 

Again shadorne ... what is your intent here? Have you looked inward in an effort to discover it yet? There has to be a reason why you are so destructive and insulting in your comments. State it. State your intentions. 

^^^ Perhaps Geoffkait has turned the corner. He must have looked inward and became uncomfortable with his intent. If so, welcome back to the land of the living and the positive thinkers, Geoff. *lol* 

thecarpathian  >>> Valid points. Tim is fully aware of this thread. I think he would agree with Geoff's last post. The release date for the product will be very soon, at which time I suspect that Tim will cover all of the bases to your satisfaction. 

^^^ Yeah ... 23 skidoo and oh you kid. 


PS ... Don't take any wooden nickles. 
^^^ As Zig Ziglar would have said: "Just more stinkin’ thinkin' blabbed by a person who undoubtedly needs a check up from the neck up."

When are you going to post your in depth research that allowed you to reach your conclusions?


^^^ I  have a brother. He knows zero about Graphene. He seems to know a lot about everything else though. :-)

docgaw ...

Thank you for the excellent review and verification of exactly what I’ve been trying to convey here. :-)

Geoff ...

Yes, it must be true that you are more well read than I. After all, you’ve been to my home several times and have checked out my library of books. Oh wait! I forgot ... you just automatically know how well read I am, or lack thereof. Forgive me as I forgot that you read minds.

By the way Geoff .... do you have any comments regarding docgaw’s post?

I didn’t think so ...

^^^ Geoff

Uhh .... I believe you brought up the subject of "well read," did you not? 

By the way, I just replaced the bulb on my 73" Mitsubishi rear projection TV. I pasted the connectors of the bulb with Total Contact. I'm getting the brightest picture with the best color and blacks its ever had. Close to an LCD but sans the cartoonish look that bugs the heck out of me with the LCD TVs.

dynaquest4 ...

I find it very interesting that when researching your posts here on A’gon, one finds oneself emerged in a cesspool of negativity. According to you, nothing ... no cable, no tweak, no anything can make an improvement .... even those things you have never heard or never even seen before.

Here’s a little recreation of some of your past posts. This record speaks volumes about you:

What’s up with you dynaquest? Do you travel through life spewing crap everywhere you go, or is it just on the Internet? Do you ever have anything positive to say .... to anyone ... about anyone ... or about anything at all?

No pics of your "system" either. Do you have an audio system? If so, why not post pics?

Take a hard look at your above posts ... then try to convince the folks here that you are not a destroyer and a looter of the dreams, the accomplishments and the hard work of others.

Your credibility is zero, shot, kaput, Junior.


" By no small coincidence I just came back with brand new LED FHD TV under my arm."  

 Whoa, big fella !!!

 I just scanned the news and found nothing about a riot or looting anywhere in the country. Where do you live again?  :-)

^^^ Uh, we (the majority here) decided long ago that there isn't a place for politics here. I love politics and would enjoy the debate, but not here.
