Recommend used digital source for $3K used

This spring, I'm planning on being in a position to spend some money on a significant upgrade. One consideration is a new digital source in the "not to exceed" $3K range. I'm currently using a Jolida JD 100 with RCA NOS tubes.

I'm open to both CDP's or transport/DAC options, and already assume I will get the most bang for my buck with a DAC/transport.
nice system.... would look for a previous thread for reference dacs'.... there was some really great reviews in there on the differnt sonics....

here are some suggestions since i just added my first dac...

would consider the following:

Muse 24/96
Electrocompinet (this was my choice)
Audio Research DAc III

Transports.... would spend just as much on the transport as the dac....just as important...make sure whatever you buy can be repaired (this is why i moved away from one box marantz)

Pioneer Dv-10ax (my choice, plays all formats..well built@ 60lbs)

dont forget to add power cords, isolation, and digital cable, and cable stands(went with bdr cones/pucks, seismic sinks,bright star sand boxes, and ridge street cable risers ) these made profound differences in the dac & transport..

good listening !!!!!!
i'm partial to 47 labs gear myself. there's a shigaraki transport / dac / battery power supply for $2750 on here right now. it's not mine, i'm just a satisfied 47 labs owner.
Northstar 192 combo for around 2100 used.It will put a smile on your face.
Mark Levinson 390S. I'm a very happy owner -- it has an integrated volume control, balance, phase, as well as digital inputs, so it can replace a preamp in an all digital system. It would be very difficult to get separates (DAC, transport, preamp) that would rival it at the used price.
forgot to mention tube technolgy dac..... it is the most musical unit(digital) i have heard to date (it smoked the $$$$ buck esoteric)
Readers of this thread should disregard previous comparisons of the tube technology dac to Esoteric. I own the X-01 and the tube technology sounds slow, sluggish, and lethargic alongside it. In no way, shape, or form is the tube technology dac in the same league as the Estoeric.
wc65mustang.... funny..... your description of slow, sluggish, etc. sounds like the sonics of the esoteric as comparded to the tube technolgy...

dont get your thong in a bunch... it is a anything, listen for yourself....


-i am in medical sales and in no way assoiciatd with tube technology or esoteric or have any such units for sale.
-the tube technology is the best digital playback unit i have heard to date in terms of musicality ( my opinion)
Wc65mustang, Bill are you Bill Feil, aka Audiogon member Audiofeil , owner of AudioFeil International, and a dealer for Esoteric?
I was curious about this as well. I could swear that twice when I've written wc65mustang, the response came from audiofeil's e-mail address. Could that be true, Bill?
Wc65mustang, Bill are you Bill Feil, aka Audiogon member Audiofeil , owner of AudioFeil International, and a dealer for Esoteric?

I was curious about this as well. I could swear that twice when I've written wc65mustang, the response came from audiofeil's e-mail address. Could that be true, Bill?

Imagine that? Say it ain't so!

Reminds me of that generous and provocative A'gon contributor, "Betterthencrack" whose posts were entirely devoted to talking-up a certain well-promoted SS amplifier line. I noticed Betterthencrack is no longer a member here since that particular company changed ownership. Go figure! Guess he had nothing left to say. I wonder if Wc65mustang will have anything left to say? I ain't holding my breath.

Ooooo.....the plot thickens. The High Stakes world of HIGH END AUDIO! I can just hear the sound track to "Mission Impossible" Playing in the background....on my X-01 of course. LOL!!!

This is so fun! :-)

Fellas, fellas, please... Wc65mustang could not possibly be Audiogon member AudioFeil, because that would mean that he is shilling for products he sells, and using another "identity" to make it seem legit, no less. Now we have seen many cases in this forum of Wc65mustang raking longstanding and highly respected Audiogon members over the coals for what HE described as shilling with a most righteous fervor, so you see, if he were REALLY AudioFeil, this would make him a complete hyprocrite. This simply cannot be. Can it, Wc65mustang? Mustang? Mustang??

This simply cannot be. Can it, Wc65mustang? Mustang? Mustang??

I think I saw him on the evening news leaving town in a white ford Bronco.

Resolution Audio Opus 21, Ayre CX-7e, Meridian G08 are all very good players with LOTS of INFO available here on the Gon.
I auditioned a few units in that price range -- Linn, Naim and some others.

The Ayre unit was not available at the time and I wish it had been.

I fell for the Electrocompaniet. It has remarkable sound.
I'd give a listen to the Linn Ikemi. Used you can save yourself $1000 and I doubt that extra grand will get you a better player.
I recommend either an older Sony cdp or Accuphase with a good seperate DAC.

Or, buy a CEC TL51xz or another nice CEC transport. Very nice sounding units for less then $3k.

OR! the new Lyngdorf (TACT) CD1...apparently this is stunning.