Tenor Hybrid v. VTL MB-450 Sig.

I am planning on replacing my VTLs with the Tenor stereo 150 hybrid . Since I will not be able to hear them first and since they are a substantial outlay over what my VTLs are worth, I am hoping that some of you may have heard both. Would you mind characterizing the differences that I should expect to hear? I have Merlin VSMMs, a First Sound preamp, and an Audio Logic 24mxl DAC. Other amps that I am considering are the Joule VZN-100s, or a CAT JL2. My pre-purchase buyers remorse is that they will be better but maybe not commensurate with the extra cost. I am aware of the higher cost/diminshing returns reality. However, from what I have read, these hybrids seem to be a huge step up. If I audition a piece and hear an improvement that meets my personal cost/benefit ratio, I buy it. So, with no personal experience with the Tenors, I am finding it is a bit difficult to make the leap to buy the most exp. piece of gear in my system. Any input you may have is greatly appreciated. By the way, JTinn and I have had several conversations about this subject. He had been very helpful and generous with his time. In this post, I am looking for more of a comsumer point of view.

Showing 9 responses by jim2

Brooks, in case you are not aware and to put his comments into perspective, Crump makes big solid state amps/preamps. In my opinion his advice about your speakers is way off the mark. But Bob is a big speaker/solid state kind of guy. Not my cup o' tea...

30hz and tonally accurate is "full range" enough for me.
Thanks Bob, I am glad you are glad for me. I am glad you are happy with your choice of speaker as well. I suppose I found your comments to be out of the blue and pretty odd. Especially given the question asked, and my own experience. As for how much your commets have helped Brooks find a more ideal amp for his choice of speaker, that still remains to be seen.

Take care.

Good for you, Bob. The Sound Labs are great speakers. And I think your last comment is probably most appropriate here... i.e. You don't have to like the Merlins, I (and a lot of others) do. No speaker is perfect for every room or every person. The Merlins are no exception. But regardless of your opinion, there are certain matches for the Merlins in terms of amplification that are fairly expensive and worth the investment. You don't agree. Point taken. I and others disagree with you.

Now, do you have anything worthwhile to offer with respect to the question at hand - matching an amp with the Merlins? If not, it seems to me appropriate that you show a little class and go away so as to not muddle this thread anymore.

Enjoy your new speakers.
Zaikesman, I didn't tell Crump to keep quiet, I told him to show some class and to offer constructive input regarding the topic of the thread or move along. Up to that point he had failed to address the topic of this thread. Finally, he did and I agree with his advice about amps. I disagree about just recommending a sub without even asking about the room first. But that is not the only assumption Bob has made in this thread - i.e. that the poster has room for larger speakers.

I may be old fashioned, but I think it is a but unbecoming for a "manufacturer" to make the sort of comments about other manufacturers that Bob did. Particularly when they are based on opinion, not fact. And particularly so when the comments fail to even address the question being asked. It just seems to me to be a bit tasteless on his part. But there is no accounting for good taste, and I suspect I should not expect it.

Corona, I have thought more about my comments and I stand by them, thanks.
Bob, I hope you don't think I am making these comments because of ego. If that's how you rationalize it then that's fine. I've just been a happy customer for the past 4 years and would hate to see others make decisions based on (what I am many others think) a viewpoint that does not accurately portray the product and is counter to my experience. People waste a lot of money and time on bad advice in this hobby.

Now, if Brooks' house is indeed as big as you ASSume it to be then perhaps we should all meet there for a few beers??

Brooks, what was your question again?
Zaikesman, no need to qualify your comments. I've got thick skin. We're just batting it around a little. Crump is a good guy and I understand his point, and I'm sure he understands mine. Ooops, looky there, it's Beer:30 Time to go....
I think sometimes my words can have a little more bite to them than I intend. I am not much for BS and I try to call it as I see it. I think I remember being told I was wrong once. I don't recall exactly as I disregarded the comments.

I think this thread/string is a good example for people considering various components/opinions via the internet. Even those with a tremendous amount of experience in the hobby can offer opinions that don't entirely reflect what is so. That goes for experienced owners as well - me included. I must say that I have gotten pretty lucky with respect to equipment selection and what makes me happy. If there is any advice I can offer about selecting gear, or in this case - an amp, it's to try and spot trends of opinion from people you can discern have experience and similar tastes as yours. Would I ask Crump to recommend an amp for my use? Probably not. But he might be an ideal resource for someone else. And we're fortunate enough to have his experienced opinion. There are a few people whos opinion I consider a stone cold lock as it relates to my own perferences and tastes. And it is helpful to consider their opinions when wading through the chaff. That's my little nugget of pseudo-wisdom for the day.

Kevinkwann, you ask an interesting question. It reminds me of a conversation I had with Bobby around the time I heard about that 6th toe mod. As I recall, it was not based on rocket science but rather, "I wonder what would happen if we tried this today..." I suspect that sort of engineering accounts for much of the best gear in the industry today. I suppose it's the sort of thing that people with a passion for their product do. Whether or not it's commonplace for floorstanding speakers to have extra thick baffles the entire running length of the front, I am not certain. I don't build speakers or pretend to. I just know what I like. In any case, I am obliged to warn you of throngs of Merlin fanatics headed your way armed with slingshots and tubes. :)
Kevin, it's interesting you mention that about the Sound Labs. I came across a local guy that has a pair of Sound Lab M1 speakers and he was nice enough to invite me over this weekend. One question he asked me on the phone was "Do you listen loud?" I have never heard the Sound Labs but have always heard nice things about them. It'll be an interesting comparison.

Just tell those guys you are trying to get your Zen on. They'll understand...