Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!
Jaybo, I am refering to "audio" as a hobby..not SACD. I like the SACD sound. But I think people in general do "passive" listening. That is what is killing the hobby. With the fast pace of today's world they feel, that active listening is wha they cannot do. I am saying that invite such people to your home and have just 1 session. It is highly possible that you will invoke their interest. You cannot force anyone...but you have a fair chance of letting them "hear and see" what real music sounds like. (Yeah "see"..that is what 1 friend felt when I made him listen to Bolero SACD). Try it have nothing to loose.
milpai_i didn't mean to be flipant. its just that of the hundreds of music collectors i know, only one other than myself even cares about hi end. more hi end companies will go belly up this year, than the last five combined.

This has always been a small community. Why would the lack of the non-audiophile general public effect this hobby now?

I know chicken little is coming to theaters this weekend, but why are you stating that "the sky is falling"? The general public has never supported any audiophile companies, so why would they go bellyup?
Jaybo, I get subscription mails from every week (sometimes twice), where they list all the LPS, SACDs, DVD-A, etc that are newly released. The list has not stop nor dwindling as of now. So it remains to be seen, how many companies will pull the plug.

Robm321 - as you rightly said, this is indeed a small community. And I can hope that it grows with time. I keep supporting this format that takes me close to LP. This month's purchase - Alison Krauss(Now That I've Found You), Spyro Gyra (IN MODERN TIMES), STRAVINSKY/THE FIREBIRD, BARTOK/CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA - all SACDs :-)
I agree SACD continues to grow with more releases coming out almost daily. And prbably more important in its survival is that it is getting support from the hardware folks with more and more universal players becoming available.

I really enjoy SACD and support it whenever I can it just sounds better than standard redbook in the majority of cases and is very close to vinyl without the noise and maintenance hassles.
