Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!

Showing 21 responses by robm321


It's good to hear a positive perspective.

I think the people that are posting that stereo is dead are reading to many home theater magazines. Stereo has been dead for over 10 years. You need to seperate audiophiles from the typical consumer. They don't sell records at record stores anymore. Yet new titles and remastered titles are still coming out. New TTs are selling and advances are being made for audiophiles only. Most people don't even realize they make records anymore.

If you are asking some 16 year old part time commissioned worker about the future of high end audio, then you are barking up the wrong tree.

I never thought SACD would be the be all end all formats, but for the time being, you can get players that play SACD and do a heck of a great job on Redbook too.

I still enjoy LPs the best and I like Redbook. SACD is a step above redbook on pure digital recordings (beware of some SACD titles that don't sound any better than redbook).

Let's save the doom and gloom cries for a REAL indicator that the SACD format is going to die.

Well, if whether Blu-ray or whatever the next thing is comes out, it will take another 2-3 years to start getting software for it. So, if you are waiting then you'll be waiting for a long time.

SACD isn't going to die in the near future. But you don't need it to enjoy the music - redbook sounds great to me. SACD sounds better on certain recordings. What is probably going to happen is most Audiophile companies will start making Universal players and stop making CD only player. It seems to already be happening.

Well SACD is an improvement over redbook, and gets much closer to vinyl, but vinyl is clearly the best of the 3 no matter how you look at it.

But it would be nice to eventually get a format that was almost the same strictly for convenience (i.e. the way digital cameras are getting very close to 35mm film).

Jayctoy must you drag this skeleton thread out of the closet.

Ben we or I anyway still enjoy your input. It would be boring if everyone had the same opinion. Flaming arrows don't hurt as bad on a forum as they do in person. Just good old debating ;)
jactoy, no offense taken at all.

arkprof, I don't think it will gain wider appeal. This is it, audiophiles only, but it isn't going away. New titles are coming out. You can still get SACDs just like you can get the abandoned HDCD. If it were to disappear (which it won't becuase there isn't a better digital format even on the horizon), it would take about 15 years to happen. So, no worries. New stuff will come out recorded with pure DSD, not the crappy remakes. SACD isn't the end all of formats and won't last forever but neither will redbook. I think LPs might though.

"8 tracks, beta, audio cassettes, VHS"

they've been extinct for a long time but they can still be purchased. You can get 8 tracks on the internet or at second hand stores on the cheap, audio cassettes are still in some record stores, vhs is still in stores although not the main video format anymore, and beta is still used in cameras and can be purchased on the internet.

So, I guess your point is that SACD's will be available for a long time?
I just bought another SACD today at Fry's electronics. Pure DSD. I love it. I'll enjoy the price drops if it does die - just like the $1 lp's from second had stores.

Ultimately though, I'll keep getting LPs and SACD/Redbook will still be batter up to LP. Oh yeah, LPs were supposed to die in the 80s. I guess it's night of the living dead at my place. Or should I get into the next big thing --> MP3?

This has always been a small community. Why would the lack of the non-audiophile general public effect this hobby now?

I know chicken little is coming to theaters this weekend, but why are you stating that "the sky is falling"? The general public has never supported any audiophile companies, so why would they go bellyup?

That's why I buy SACDs that are pure DSD. Don't get remakes of old recordings on SACD unless they are remastered. Go for RB in that case. You gotta work with the system... ;)

Yeah that was mentioned in an earlier post, maybe by you. The newer realeases may be from an earlier pipeline, but the SACD recording won't stop coming out next year like you aniticipate (10-18 months)IMHO. So, basically you are saying that next year there will be 0 releases since this is just pipeline residuals?

There are other companies doing vinyl, not just MF. Companies go up, down, out of business, and back in business. That doesn't give the overall market condition - just a number on a company.

Also, what are your stats on redbook. RB sales have been going down as well because of online trading and mp3 player growth. Is redbook dying too? How come your not making that statement also?
So Jaybo what's the outlook for redbook? Sales going up? Or is that dying too, and where's the thread about redbook dying?

just wondering.
Sony will have SACD with their Playstation 3? (thanks treyhoss) - any of you doom and gloomers care to address that?
I love this thread - it's title is about SACD being dead, but reading the posts on this thread is very encouraging. Jaybo provides some entertainment with his numbers that he won't back up with any source (sorry jaybo but if I don't have evidence, I don't blindly trust the numbers given - not saying you are dishonest but still will need some proof). And everyone else is giving good examples how SACD is more alive than I realized.
I agree with TVAD - bad rock, etc. recordings are problems in redbook and vinyl too. Before SACD was a thought, I had a hard time finding recording of rock that were well done. There's lots of it out there, but the percentage of quality recordings compared to classical and jazz are minute.
The argument that SACD will die because the masses won't get into it is not valid since LP's are still around and clearly not something the masses listen to.

There are such things as niche products that can survive without the full general public support.
Well if you are right Tvad (we are all giving our best guess), then all the more reason to have an SACD (or universal) player because it may be 10 years + before a legitimate amount of music is cut for another hi-rez format. And it will be 10 years plus before SACD fades away (at least) assuming it will.

I don't know but a decade of my life has value. Is there anyone really waiting for another format?
Why don't you beleive it has 10 years left. Even if there were no more titles coming out, it would last that long?
There are new players and SACD's coming out still, not to mention the equipment that is used to make the recordings. Do you think in 2-3 years all the SACD players and SACD's will dry up and not be used? And given that another format is at least that far away (assuming it happens at all), what else is there to get into as far as high rez? With a lack of an alternate format, SACD will be milked for years to come.
The creator of this post probably was hoping to banwagon a bunch of people into thinking SACD was dead, so he can avoid upgrading his redbook player. It's funny how it turned into a very hopeful outlook for SACD. And this is based on fact not just hype.
I think most SACD audiophiles have redbook too and quite a few of them have TT's as well, so I can't imagine why they would be snobs about what they listen to.
circuit city doesn't have a clue about audiophiles. I'm sure they would have said that records have gone by the waste side years ago. I guess we feed off of the waste side.
My point was that records are still being used widely by audiophiles but you won't find them at Curcuit City or Best Buy. So, because they may not carry something anymore doesn't mean that it won't exist in the audiophile market anymore.

So, a salesperson at Curcuit City making a comment about SACD doesn't make a good argument that it will not be available.