Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!
One point I would make regarding the jazz and classical releases ahead of rock/pop is the quality of recordings.

JD, this is where I respectfully disagree. I don't believe the dearth of rock/pop SACD releases has a whit to do with the quality of the master recording. It has do with consumer demand for the product, and there is simply little demand by the vast majority of rock/pop consumers for Hi Rez recordings.
if the delivery is through computer or satellite in the future the mass market music will be even worse.

JD, please explain how satellite or computer delivery dooms mass market music to be even worse. I don't follow your logic. Are you basing this claim on the inability of satellite, cable or broadband delivery methods to deliver Hi Rez material? If so, you are incorrect. As I mentioned, HDTV is being delivered by both satellite and cable systems, and the technical bandwidth required for HDTV is much larger than that required for Hi Rez audio. Also, many movie theaters are screening technically superior (i.e. Hi Rez) films shot digitally (Lucas and Pixar) that are delivered digitally via satellite. So, to argue the lack of quality of future music is based on inferior delivery methods is simply incorrect.

As someone who prefers rock/pop music to jazz and classical (although I also listen to the latter), I can say for me there is no advantage to SACD over redbook when it comes to my enjoyment of rock/pop recordings.

Have I misunderstood your argument?
I agree with TVAD - bad rock, etc. recordings are problems in redbook and vinyl too. Before SACD was a thought, I had a hard time finding recording of rock that were well done. There's lots of it out there, but the percentage of quality recordings compared to classical and jazz are minute.
Well Robm321, thanks for agreeing, though the argument about quality of recordings was really more Jadem's point than mine. I do agree that there are more quality jazz and classical recordings than rock/pop recordings, but I don't agree that the lack of quality rock recordings is the root cause of fewer rock SACD releases versus jazz and classical genres. I believe this has to do entirely with market demand.

The reality is, the 35+ age demographic is not the target for mass market entertainment providers, and therefore lovers of jazz/classical recorded music are an afterthought of the music industry Big Boys. SACD will continue to serve the small market segment of jazz/classical aficionados, because these are the primary listeners who care about high resolution recordings. The lack of attention paid to this small market segment by the music industry Big Boys is what makes the market for Chesky, et al.

Listening to music as a primary form of entertainment for the 12-35 age demographic has been supplanted by video games and computer gaming. Have you seen the complexity and high resolution of current video games? This is the focus of entertainment providers today, because this is where the largest pool of dollars is located. Music is a backdrop to the games, not the focus.

In the sixties and seventies, records were the equivalent of video games, and stereo systems were the Xbox 360 consoles. It’s progress. Heck, in ten years, today’s video game lovers will be crying about how the youth don’t care about Xbox games anymore because they’re all caught up in HoloSensurround re-enactments.

Watcha gonna do?

See, it seems to me Chesky et al should get together and form a company dedicated to on-demand delivery of high resolution recordings to the audience that cares about it. Buy bandwidth, put up a fancy webpage, and sell Hi Rez, digitally delivered music. It has to be less expensive than manufacturing and packaging silver discs. That’s the ticket! Embrace it!