Subwoofer for Harbeth M30?

Has anyone had any success integrating a subwoofer with these speakers?
Thanks guys. Actually, I'll be receiving the M30s next week. I'm really looking forward to hearing this Harbeth midrange magic that everyone's talking about, but after the magic has worn off a bit, I will be looking for some bottom extension.... not a lot. Just enought to add a little more weight to the music. I look forward to hearing more from any Harbeth owner that has the time to share there experience in this area. Thanks!
Hello Kensetsu, I have the 30's as well. I think you will really like them. They are very resolving, but set up properly, they sound well balanced, clean, and neutral. In my room placement was critical though. I would suggest finding the best location for mid-bass and then add a sub if you feel the need for deep bass. I borrowed a REL-R series sub for a weekend and it blended well and did sound better to me. I'm now looking to purchase a sub too.

Options I've considered are the REL B2, Martin Logan Depth i, Grotto i, or ACI Force XL for a lot less money than the others. Im not sure how it compares with the others however. If anyone has compared the ACI to any of the above, please share your impressions.
Have the velodyne 1200s. Took awhile to dial in to taste, but worth the trouble. Seems to open up the Harbeths quite a bit. Velodynes can be found all over the internet at huge discounts!
I have my M30 in a 20x20 room and I don't think they need bass augmentation at all. I can actually feel my carpet shaking with some Mahler. By no means does M30 extends flat down to 30hz, but the response at 30hz was respectable. I am running these out of an all balanced ayre system.
Anybody ever consider using the Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. The propaganda that I've read suggests that they'll integrate seemlessly with just about anything.... including my ex mother-in-law. Anyone have any experiences that they'd like to share. By the way, I'm referring to experiences with the subwoofer.