best interconnects and power cables for Ayre


I have an all Ayre stack (D1xe, KXR, MXR) and was wondering what kind of cables you guys had tried and would recommend ? Goal is to avoid any fatigue while not losing anything of course...


Cable selection is a a very subjective issue. Ayre does use Cardas cables to voice their electronics. I have found that there may be significant differencs in cable performance, even within the same manufacturer's range. All Ayre components are of a balanced design, so experiment with differnt XLR cables, starting with different Cardas models.
Thanks. I have Merlin speakers. I do use the D1 for video as well, but I agree it can be bettered. What about power cables ?
Perhaps the D1 can be bettered, but I think it is pretty darn good RedBook player; especially in the context of an all Ayre system. I would certainly audition the CX5 before assuming it will be an improvement for you and your ears. I would think the Cardas GR could not possibly casue fatigue, but they are a bit pricey.
The D1 - especially if it has been modified to the last iteration (it isn't currently being made any more) is a wonderful player. The C5xe however is better (not slightly) with Redbook CD's however, it also plays SACD and DVD audio which the D1 doesn't. Listening to the Tilson-Thomas Mahler SACD discs wants for nothing that I can hear. I have both units. In my all Ayre system, anything made by Cardas ruins the sound.
I have an all-Ayre stack at the other end of the extreme (AX-7e, CX-7e, P-5xe) and really like my Purist cables. My speakers are GMA Callistos.