Worked Backwards and Would like to Hear Suggestions on Speakers

I did the opposite most folks on forum suggested. I already had Bose 901 Series VI speakers but built my system around them. My setup includes Mcintosh MC501's, C2500 Preamp, Thurman Conditioner, Cary 100 DAC, which I'm selling, Oppo 105D, and MusicHall 7.1 turntable. I use all Cardas Golden XLR Cables except for Bose Equalizer which I use Cardas Golder RCA's. I mostly stream using dedicated MacBook 13" retina..

The Bose sound really good but would like suggestions for better. My range? Not sure, I can spend up to 10K but would rather stay in the 3-6K range.

+2 on the Ohm Walsh suggestion.  Depending on the size of your room, these should come in well within your budget.  I have been happily running a pair of Ohm Walsh 2000s for about 8 years (although I do run them with subs, because, well, I am a bass-head!).
Thanks everyone! With all the suggestions so far, I'm looking at the Tekton Double Impact Speakers. I've read several reviews and these must be amazing compared to others at 2-5 times it's price of $3k. Anyone have an opinion about these speakers? They're fairly new in the audio world.
After owning and loving speakers from Vandersteen, Magnepan, Revel and Legacy I'm enjoying the Tekton DI's more than any speaker I've owned. Seemless driver integration, dynamics a plenty, the best bass I've heard and a realist midrange with detailed and airy highs. For me they create a deep wall of musical realism from floor to ceiling all across my room. Yet as much as I love the DI's I'm replacing them......with the DI SE's ; )
Does the Tekton DI sound good when not sitting directly in front? and how does it compare to GoldenEar Triton 1's?
Does the Tekton DI sound good when not sitting directly in front? and how does it compare to GoldenEar Triton 1’s?

I can’t tell/write much about Tekton because I’ve never seen or heard a pair. I can tell you anything you would like to know about the Triton One though. Typically, Golden Ear doesn’t get all that much love on this site. But I’d highly recommend Golden Ear (former T1 owner, current T Ref owner).

Here is what my dealer had to say (back in June, their web site may have changed since then) about Tekton.

"This Tekton designer is stating obvious facts that are known by all loudspeaker designers, that is why multi way speakers are around. The smaller midranges and tweeters are lower in mass and handle the upper harmonics of instruments. His stating that a guitar producing a 41hz note is only being reproduced by a subwoofer with a 200-300 gram cone is totally false, the upper harmonics of that guitar note are being reproduced by the midrange and tweeter which are much lower in mass and able to reproduce the harmonics. He also doesn’t state what his speaker does that is different to try and diminish the mass of the drivers, they look pretty typical to me. I think this is pretty much snake oil."