CleanerVinyl-Ultrasonic record cleaner

I purchased a Cleanervinyl Pro recently and am very impressed with it! I have used vacuum style cleaners for many years. Last year I purchased a $3000.00 vacuum style record cleaner and thought that was about as good as I was going to get for cleaning records, but I was wrong. The CleanerVinyl Pro system cost me around $600.00, it is far superior to vacuum style cleaners. I took some lp’s that I couldn’t get fully clean with my Vacuum record cleaner and was able to get them clean with the CleanerVinyl system. You can see the crud that collects in the bottom of the machine, and these were already cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner.

The Vinyl Stack holder has 1" spaces between the LP's.  The reason I recommend the 6L tank is that one gallon, which is the measure its sold by in the local supermarket @ c69 makes the perfect fill level so that the LP's are submerged with all the grooves in the water and not so high it reaches the holder.  

I have owned the AD machine too - I don't like the rollers because they leave an exit mark where they disengage, clearly audible when playing a "cleaned" record

Good Listening

@dgarretson ,

I think your post proves that there should still be a concern for the amount of force behind these US cleaners and their effect on vinyl records.


Also, the rollers in the AD also take up much needed room that is better suited to allow for more cavitation action.


The potential issue is excessive heat, not force or pulsing action per se.  Keeping the LP in rotation and the bath temp below 45C addresses the heat issue. In addition, the Elma allows you to dial down the pulsing mechanism, if desired.  
I believe there is a compelling argument to make regarding the unforeseen damage a diamond dragging across a record vs. a forceful agitation process while one’s records are in a bath.

The jury is not out yet.

@dgarretson ,

You are correct. I don't recall your mentioning your heat/heat setting in your post above, which is why I did not address it.