Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan


I just received my Oppo 95. I have a question and an observation:

How long have people found it takes before the unit is burned-in and sounding at least close to its best?

I definitely hear the fan...up to about 12 feet or so. I do have a very quiet listening environment most of the time. I'm worried, though, because I sit about 2 feet from my player! (and have to) Has anyone come up with any solutions to the fan noise? (other than putting the player a long way from the listening position, that is)

Thanks very much!

p.s. I know some say they don't hear the fan when music is playing. I understand, but it's clearly affecting the noise floor. And enjoying very subtle details, ambience, decay, etc. are very important to me.

Are you using the Oppo connected to a preamp via
regular RCA's as a stand alone cdp, or are you using a separate DAC with a digital cable??
Yeah the Caig can be oily, I use a separate cloth( some use alcohol) to remove any excess I find that after a week or two the sound character of the Caig wears off and all cables settle back in!
I have a fan here that may be lower noise. I will be trying it very soon. I will let you know if it works and where to get it if it does. As it states on my website you can remove the cover and not only will it sound better but the fan will only come on when you are playing Blue Rays.
A friend of mine got the Oppo 95 and told me it would blow away my $5,000.00 Mcintosh 871. Needless to say I was not a believer. After begging him to bring it over (he only had it 2 weeks so not much break in) I threw everything at it in the pure analog mode and I now have my Mac in audiogon and expect my delivery of the Oppo tomorrow. I tried the XLR out to my C2200 preamp and it was WAY better than the same brand RCA. As a side note I too cannot explain cable and electronic gear break in but I have experienced it and even my wife who really does not care that much agrees. I guess we are both crazy..... I hope this unit has a long life reliability as that is the only thing that has yet to be determined. Hopefully 400 hours from now I continue to be a believer.
I stand by my comment. It will not compete with the upper eschelon players, and why should it at its price? It is a fabulous machine offering tremendous value and probably competitive well above its price range.