Subwoofer: should we even use them at all?

Dear Community,

For years, I looked forward to purchasing a subwoofer. However, I recently became friends with someone in this field who is much more knowledgable than me. His system sounds amazing. He told me that subwoofers should be avoided because of the lack of coherence that inheres in adding a subwoofer. What do you guys think? I currently use Verity Parsifol Ovations.
Because most of all subwoofers do not have a response what is fast enough. This is why many people are only interested in bigger floorstanders. I had the same thoughts till 2007.

What do tou use as active crossover, and how is your system set up? I'm looking into this right now. Actually posted a new thread on the Tech Talk section.
I use the crossover of the Monitor Audio PLW-15 itself. Without Audyssey Pro this subwoofer is very difficult to control

I even can choose between 6, 12, 18 and 24 db/octave

24 give the best sound.
Bo, please go away.
You have no credibility, nothing to add, and nothing but bluster and me me me me me.
I is your favorite word.
What's the expression, 'its complicated', and it is. Installed and set up properly, matched to the right pair of main speakers, it can add much to your enjoyment of music. Done poorly, it can spoil your existing sound, and make you much poorer. I've matched two subs to my ProAc 1SC's and have fully enjoyed the effect. Took a while to get the crossover right and positioning of the subs in the right place but it was well worth it.