Please recommend used tonearm under $1K

longer than 9" preferable, to be used with an SP-10MK2 and Virtuoso MM cartridge. The tonearm does not have to be modern. In fact, something vintage that can be easy to source through here or eBay is fine.

I favor rock, so dynamics and slam are crucial. Good imaging and soundstage DEPTH are also important.

The bonus is if the arm keeps solid value because I eventually want to move up to the Trans-Fi T3.
Dear nandric: What you explain is what I?m refering to but I can see was a bad explanation from my part.

regards and enjoy the music,
+++++ " who would promote a P Mount cartridge with adapter as an ultimate cartridge has a perspective different not only from me but from anyone else I know. " +++++

well that your world and " any one else I know " be a small/tiny island does means almost nothing because in the MM/MI thread are several/lot of persons that think those P-mount cartridges are great.

I don't want to ask about several great P-mount cartridges but only one: do you have on hand or heard it in the last month the Azden P50VL?, if not you can't understand why other people but you are so happy enjoying this Azden P-mount cartridge you can't even talk or give an opinion on P-mount cartridges like this Azden.

Good that you own the 205: finally we agree on something. I own the 205MK4 and is really great.

Don't leave that this thread stress you, stay calm and be happy as I'm.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi T_bone, So far as I know you live in Japan and you made
me very curious about all of those tonearms that you avoid
to name. Alas I don't understand your reasons. On the contrary because you can provide as with many informations
that we are not familiar with. I can add the Micros to 'my'
names (dare not mention FR-64 'cause of Raul) but this is not in any way 'suprising'. I hope your reason is not 'hidden' in the same closet with all those gatherings?

Dear nandric: T_bone is an audio analog item seller. If you browse through the Agon advertising you can see many tonearms that T_bone carry and has on sale. I have to say too that some of them really good ones.

Regards and enjoy the music,