how can a line cord affect frequency response ?

i have personally auditioned over 10 different manufacturer's line cords. i hear differences. i don;'t understand how a line cord can affect treble response or bass response.

can someone provide an explanation ?

First off, please understand that I'm not attacking you personally.

I did take a quick peek at those sites, but my initial response was that, AGAIN, they were from two companies marketing audio cables, thus the biased marketing claims. Just like with any other market of interest, an intelegent buyer should extract as much info from several sources. As with buying a new car, each manufacturer will hype their best features over the competition. It's the buyer's responsibility to weed out the nonsense, right? You pick the market, and the same behavior applies between the manufacturer and buyer.

I WILL agree to go back and read more of their technical info, but admittingly, I've read similar stuff to death. I'll be fair!
Good luck on your quest, Metro04.

I guess I’ll stay on my side of the fence if you’ll agree to stay on your side of the fence, and we’ll each agree to keep our respective hands off’n each other’s womenfolk and livestock.

You, too, MrT. Hands off the chickens.

hi tvad, my background is economics, math and psychology, not law. my vocations have been software development and writing.
05-09-06: Mrtennis
hi tvad, my background is economics, math and psychology, not law. my vocations have been software development and writing.
Oh. I based my comment on this quote from you.
i must admit, i enjoy your british humor, it is so biting and civilized, but as a lawyer, i'd bury you in court.
Mrtennis (Threads | Answers)
Guess it was just more Three Card Monte from you, MrT.