Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
What is the better upgrade: Galileo MPC's or MiG's

The answer to your question depends on far too many factors to make a blanket recommendation. For example- how many Active SR cables do you currently have in your system? Do you have a PowerCell? If so, which PowerCell and what power cord are you using on it (assuming it is not a PowerCell 10SE)? Which Active Cables do you have? Will you be changing more than one standard MPC to a Galileo MPC? And so on. As for MiG's, what components would you be using them with? What are you currently using for "footers"? What are you using for a rack or shelves (what are you setting your components on)? What is the overall balance of your system and what weaknesses do you feel your system has (if any)? The real answer to your question can only come from you doing a direct comparison. I however suspect a few sets of MiG's could outclass a single Galileo MPC, but can't say for sure (this would also be slightly less expensive).

Which is a better upgrade: Hologram D with one set of MiG's or a PowerCell 10SE

Again, the answer depends on too many factors for someone with a different system and room then yours to give you a creditable answer. My suggestion is to have your dealer send you a few sets of MiG's, a PowerCell 10SE, and a Hologram D, and take a few weeks to find your answer based on what you discover in your system. It would be interesting were you to share your findings with the rest of us when you are finished.

I find it impossible to evaluate individual components within a system in a room with which I have no familiarity... How does one approach determining the efficacy of power conditioning products and vibration control tweaks in this scenario?

Tvad, your statement / assertion / concern was addressed by our demonstrations; namely how we conducted our demonstrations at both RMAF and CES.

While at last years' RMAF and at this years' CES, we performed direct comparisons with, and without, specific Synergistic Research technologies. Show goers were given ample time to ascertain benefits of various SR technologies in place, and any change in system performance when SR technologies were removed. At RMAF we were playing music with the Acoustic ART System room treatments in place, and again when they were removed, playing the same music, and back again with and with out the ART System, as many times as attendees wished. We then turned on and off the TESLA PowerCell 10SE which was powering the entire system to demonstrate its effect, and of course, we turned TESLA Active Shielding on and off. In each case listeners could draw their own conclusions.

At CES we added our new MiG's to our usual show demonstration of the Acoustic ART System, the PowerCell, and TESLA Active Shielding, when we placed a set of three MiG's under an Esoteric P-03 transport atop a Stillpoints rack. We then removed the MiG's to dramatic effect. All other components in the system were likewise treated with MiG's, yet the removal of MiG's from only one component was enough for most listeners to walk away with a good impression of what MiG's can do.

Tvad, since you live in LA, and since our design studio is in Long Beach (not that far from you), I would be happy to conduct a personal demonstration of SR technologies- just contact our factory in Irvine and let's set up a meeting.

Bill (Audiopfeil), Tbg buys his SR products the same way everyone else does- through a reputable Synergistic Research dealer.
To get back on track. I got my third set of MIGs. If you recall I wasn't sure on putting a set on the amp. It sits on an SRA Ohio Class XL-squared stand and SRA is in the camp that footers with their stands might hurt more than help.

Well I'm glad I didn't listen. I put the third set under the amp on the stand, in the pin-point orientation. All others are in the other orientation.

Wow. It really brought things together. Tightened up the soundstage a bit more and the depth and holographicness (is that a word?) is beyond phenomenal. My system has never dreamed of sounding this good! And I'm still on cheap audioquest speaker cables!

Ted... can you tell us when the downloads for the master file project will be available?

Adwiegert, I have been experimenting with MIGs under my amp also. What really shocked me in the SR demonstrations at CES was their using them on the StillPoints rack. I was surprised that there would be further improvement on that rack, but there certainly was.

My amp was already on a StillPoints component stand, so I could not use the MIGs on this four amp stand. I put a glass shelf from my Mana stands on the component stand and added MIGs in the pin point configuration. With the MIGs was somewhat better. I decided to just use Mana stands including the same glass shelf and with the MIGs on top. Initially I thought this was about the same. But I was forgetting about the time it takes for the MIGs to settle down.

The next morning the Mana stand with MIGs was clearly better, but I had to go back to the component stand and let the MIGs settle down. By that evening it was quite clear that the StillPoints component stand with MIGs was clearly better.

One final development. I had never tried the ambient setting of the MIGs. All other MIGs were also in ambient setting. In my system at least, the ambient setting on the StillPoints stand was best. I did briefly try it on the Mana stand, but the sound stage just was as involving and real.

I have no real idea why everything in ambient works best, but for the time being I just going to listen to music.