bananas vs spades as terminals for speaker cables

Interested in opinions on bananas vs spades at the speaker and amp ends of speaker cables. Mine are biwired cables.
Overall I think bananas are much easier to work with. With spades I had trouble getting the right amount of tension on the binding posts. To loose is no good obviously but I was afraid I would overtighten them and break something.

With bananas you just shove it in and forget about it. Only disadvantage is that they stick out much farther than spades.

I can recommend the Nakamichi bananas if you are building your own cables. They work well and are inexpensive. My only complaint with them is that you need to use a small slotted screwdriver to tighten them, which tears up my hands after a while (a hex head would be SO much better).

IMO bananas if you plan on multi connect/disconnect for whatever reasons. Spades for put them on and forget for years.
The only other use banana reason is the posts are too close together as on a receiver, where you have a dozen lined up. Then bananas may be better just because you can get them into place easier.
All the rest is theory and personal preference.
Take a look at stereophile com they just asked this last week and the results are posted on the VOTE tab. My opinion is spades or bare wire.
I bought a pair of speaker cable from Klaus at Odyssey, and he said banana at amp end, he said it sounded better to him, he should know, i use his amps.