bananas vs spades as terminals for speaker cables

Interested in opinions on bananas vs spades at the speaker and amp ends of speaker cables. Mine are biwired cables.
Take a look at stereophile com they just asked this last week and the results are posted on the VOTE tab. My opinion is spades or bare wire.
I bought a pair of speaker cable from Klaus at Odyssey, and he said banana at amp end, he said it sounded better to him, he should know, i use his amps.

Ryriken - Many amps don't support bananas. My old Cambridge A3i supported only spades. My current Rowland 102 (and perhaps all current Rowland amps) have Cardas style clamp - for spades only.

As for the sound, if there is any difference then according to people opinions the best is bare wire (not always possible) then spades followed by bananas.
I prefer spades over bananas. But if you are going to use either use good quality jacks for your connections and treat them too with ProGold, etc.
My experience with Bananas have been mixed and mostly at the speaker end. My amp will only handle spades. I kept getting this weird buzzing noise in my Spicas when certain frequencies were played. I tightened my drivers, the spikes on my stands and anything that wasn't tightened. The problem was with my banana connections. They were vibrating inside the 5 way binding post. I have some other wires with much better bananas and when I tried them or the spades the buzzing just went away. I tried the same set of buzzing bananas again and yeap, thats what it was. I tried spreading them and still the noise persisted. The better quality Bananas have never buzzed. But I never have any of those problems with spades. I just clean them every now and then and the electrical connection is great and sounds good too. Less hassle.