Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?

Just wondering if the people that own any of these simply amazing HiDiamond cables can explain the characteristics and why/how they seem to create the live experience like no other cable has. THX in advance for sharing your thoughts....
When I installed my D8 speaker cable I had an immediate increase in detail, soundstage, resolution, and more information came through my speakers. As hours passed everything became acurately layed back and never forward. The soundstage gained depth and width well outside my speakers with amazing pinpoint imaging. Im not at the 500 hour mark yet but probably around 350-400. I am still hearing sounds and instruments I never heard before.
I had the very same experience when I installed the D8 in my system. All sonic parameters improved dramatically. The whole musical experience took a quantum leap forward.
Thanks for the description. Sounds similar to what I experienced with my D7 interconnects...
I think I am at my full break-in(500 hours) as I noticed while after a few days, especially my D9 interconnects had just bloomed from recent listening. Almost like an amazing glitter came from my front wall that literally caught my attention. It was like hearing glass shatter and tinkle on the ground as I got goosebumps down my back..WOW..These D9's are simply amazing.....
Is this for real or are you putting us on? Glass shatter and tinkle on the ground? Unbelievable. Too bad nobody answers my and Zmanastronomy's questions about a trial period or comparisons to other cables, so we can hear for ourselves what is clearly to the owners of this cable a mystical out-of-body experience......