The Problem with Synergistic Research

The problem is one that a number of cable makers suffer from. I preface my remarks by noting this not a problem that is exclusive to Synergistic Research. I use SR as an example because I am more familiar with their cables than with the cables of other companies that have the same problem.

The problem is the cost of incremental improvements. SR makes some great products. But, in spite of their copy writing, not all SR products are great, IMO. Some SR products have made great improvements in my system -- like the Tesla SE Hologram D power cord. That having been said, in retrospect, despite the bally-hoo that surrounds SR product launches, most of their products have brought no more than incremental improvements to my system. Products from other cable companies have brought equal or greater improvements for me -- often at much lower cost.

The problem is that SR has such fast-paced marketing with products coming out at a gallop supplanting recently released products -- such as the SR line of PowerCell conditioners -- that I sometimes feel I have been left in the dust.

We cannot stop the relentless march of technology. But at the high price of most of SR's offerings one is often left with sense of being left out instead of left in when new products come on the heels of products one has just purchased. The SR trade-up program does not remedy this problem at all, IMO.

There are many other cable companies without fast-paced marketing that provide equal or better value for the money, IMO. Companies like Bybee, HiDiamond and Cardas. I am probably not the only one who feels as I do about SR and other companies with fast-paced marketing.
06-19-12: Fplanner2010
John - I totally see their point. Your comment:

"This is a high-end business with cables that cost up to 10 of thousands, I thought they’d do more critical testing and verifying before shipping them out rather than just ohm out for continuity check."

You have no idea at all what was done to these cables, nor probably does Mike, who's a pretty sharp guy. His points are all totally valid and if you choose to make this a reason for not using SR cables, that's of course your right, but in this case, it seems like it is also your loss.

Nobody is perfect and the fact that both you and the prior owner(s) were happy for 6 years pretty much kills your argument. Nobody was "cheated" here - you got the performance you paid for on the secondhand market. The fact you wouldn't spend only $50. to have the cable "repaired" also speaks volumes. Sorry - I side with them.
Fplanner2010 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I TOTALLY agree. We are human so the BEST QC will not catch all the problems. I had a bad XLR IC connector and PC with a short that trip the circuit breaker once plug into the wall outlet. Both from different excellent manufacturers and bought new so repaired under warranty.

I can understand why most manufacturers only honer warranty for orig owner. Who knows how many prior owners and how it was used. If both + and - are NEVER soldered, how did it worked consistently for 6+ years?

IMO, it's a bargain if they're willing to fix it for $50. Nasaman, I guess you got what you paid for.
Fplanner2010, Gloria, Knghifi,
I feel you're being a bit unkind here. I don't think it would have cost much for SR to do this repair and the goodwill extended would have come back to them -- whereas now they have to deal with bad publicity that may be worth a lot more than the very small sum of $50.

You see, it does not much matter who was right about this. I can understand SR sticking to the letter of the law. But by going the extra few yards they could have had a win-win situation instead of having a lose-lose situation. A little graciousness and generosity can go a long way in the high end audio business. IMO.

There are people who have gone the extra few yards for me in audio. I appreciate it very much and I always have a good word to say about them -- even if things were not 100%. They deserve a good word. Those who have not done business with me in the same way are written up differently.

Regarding SR, they get top marks from me for customer service. But as for policies and some other matters referred to earlier, they still have some work to do. IMO.
I tend to think about these things in a manner similar to Sabai.

It's amazing to me that especially in these days of a rough economy, the internet, free information flow, etc. that more do not go out of the way a bit in the interest of good customer relations. Companies that tend to do best over the long term tend to do this kind of thing better I believe.
Sabai, You've gotta be kidding me. Nasaman buys a 6+ years old IC off Ebay with UNDOCUMENTED number of owners, history, traveled the world several times and probably the IC you used in a SERIES with your bungee cord and jump rope and you want it repair under warranty??

There's an inherent danger in purchasing used to save a few bucks. I think it's REASONABLE that SR will only charge $50 for the repair.
Completely agree with Mapman.

Want to demonstrate confidence in your product? Don't nickel and dime your customers. There will be ROI in spades.