Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?

After hearing some Rogue equipment (and reading all the comments on Audiogon) I was able to get a pair of the monoblocks for a great price on Ebay. Now I need to figure out the next upgrade step. I have a Conrad Johnson PV5, and wonder what might match the Rogue well (besides, of course the Rogue preamps.) Or would I do better to get some NOS tubes for the CJ? I'd like to keep the preamp upgrade under $2000. I'm using Proac Tablettes now, but they'll get upgraded eventually as well. I listen to all kinds of music. Thanks.
sgreenberg,sorry if I have been of target.I am sick of Sedond anti Rouge post.Once twice three times,after 25 times it gets tired.
I have a Rogue 66 which Mark upgraded last summer.While it was away I bought a CJ PV-7 and used it for about 2 weeks.Its is a very nice preamp had some Mullard NOS in it.I really enjoyed it.
Once I got my upgraded 66 back I was realy blown away by how good it sounded.It has become even better with breakin time on it.
I am very happy with this product and can say it sounded better than the CJ-PV-7.
I use Rogue 120 Mono's.
The best thing to do is try one and compare it with others.
Dont let someone who had a bad experience put you on the wrong track.
Sgreeenberg check out what owners of Melos gear have to say at WWW.audioreview.com
2 Models listed one rated by 30 users at 2.67 one rated by 9 users 3.67.
yes, rogue is worth trying. tho yer input until yer last post wood never give anyone a reason to try it. and, even in yer last post, the only info ya give about it is: "...I was realy blown away by how good it sounded... it sounded better than the CJ-PV-7...". gee, how informative!

in the right system, it may be great. it wood seem a logical choice to mate w/rogue amps. it isn't so much that i had a bad experience w/rogue - i have freely talked about the impedance problems i had w/it. it's yust that, imo, cary & melos preamps are nicer than rogue. if ewe tink this is pissing on rogue, then why did ewe yust piss on cj - is *that* ok???

it's nice to have a choice of tings to try. if someone is considering rogue, i will let them know of other product i tried that i liked better. let *them* decide - not everyone hears the same. when did i ever mention rogue when it wasn't in the thread subject?

meanwhile, until ewe own a-gon, yer repeated postings to tell me to shut up about it are laffable. and, if ya *did* own a-gon, and ya wanted to censor honest opinion about product, who'd wanna participate?

all grown-up, doug s.

yes, sgreenberg & all, melos went outta biz because they had horrible service problems, & their fotentiometer wolume controls' alignment was so sensitive, it wood get damaged during shipping. but now, cuz of it, these things are a bargain on the used market. and melos audio restorations, formed by a couple of their former technicians, is in biz to service & update the product. they are well-aware of the old melos' shortcomings, & strive to offer better service. this is also old info that i've prewiously posted in threads regarding melos.

i bought my melos *after* reading all the reviews on audioreview; sent it to m.a.r. to have it fully upgraded to music-director specs, & i couldn't be happier about it. good service & an outstanding-sounding product.

yust my opinion, of course... :>) doug s.

ps - don't tell me that anyting comparably-priced sounds better than melos - i mite have a hissy-fit & tell ya to shut-up or sometin'... ;~)

Yust my Opinion,Lets all chase after gear from companies that are no longer in Bussiness.They are out of bussiness for a good reson.Lousy gear that they could not service properly.YUST MY OPINION