Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?

After hearing some Rogue equipment (and reading all the comments on Audiogon) I was able to get a pair of the monoblocks for a great price on Ebay. Now I need to figure out the next upgrade step. I have a Conrad Johnson PV5, and wonder what might match the Rogue well (besides, of course the Rogue preamps.) Or would I do better to get some NOS tubes for the CJ? I'd like to keep the preamp upgrade under $2000. I'm using Proac Tablettes now, but they'll get upgraded eventually as well. I listen to all kinds of music. Thanks.
Sgreeenberg check out what owners of Melos gear have to say at WWW.audioreview.com
2 Models listed one rated by 30 users at 2.67 one rated by 9 users 3.67.
yes, rogue is worth trying. tho yer input until yer last post wood never give anyone a reason to try it. and, even in yer last post, the only info ya give about it is: "...I was realy blown away by how good it sounded... it sounded better than the CJ-PV-7...". gee, how informative!

in the right system, it may be great. it wood seem a logical choice to mate w/rogue amps. it isn't so much that i had a bad experience w/rogue - i have freely talked about the impedance problems i had w/it. it's yust that, imo, cary & melos preamps are nicer than rogue. if ewe tink this is pissing on rogue, then why did ewe yust piss on cj - is *that* ok???

it's nice to have a choice of tings to try. if someone is considering rogue, i will let them know of other product i tried that i liked better. let *them* decide - not everyone hears the same. when did i ever mention rogue when it wasn't in the thread subject?

meanwhile, until ewe own a-gon, yer repeated postings to tell me to shut up about it are laffable. and, if ya *did* own a-gon, and ya wanted to censor honest opinion about product, who'd wanna participate?

all grown-up, doug s.

yes, sgreenberg & all, melos went outta biz because they had horrible service problems, & their fotentiometer wolume controls' alignment was so sensitive, it wood get damaged during shipping. but now, cuz of it, these things are a bargain on the used market. and melos audio restorations, formed by a couple of their former technicians, is in biz to service & update the product. they are well-aware of the old melos' shortcomings, & strive to offer better service. this is also old info that i've prewiously posted in threads regarding melos.

i bought my melos *after* reading all the reviews on audioreview; sent it to m.a.r. to have it fully upgraded to music-director specs, & i couldn't be happier about it. good service & an outstanding-sounding product.

yust my opinion, of course... :>) doug s.

ps - don't tell me that anyting comparably-priced sounds better than melos - i mite have a hissy-fit & tell ya to shut-up or sometin'... ;~)

Yust my Opinion,Lets all chase after gear from companies that are no longer in Bussiness.They are out of bussiness for a good reson.Lousy gear that they could not service properly.YUST MY OPINION
That's not a completely fair statement, Leafs. At the risk of defending my own purchases, Hales Design Group and McCormack Audio both delivered extremely good products at their price points. Both are now gone. Hales simply disappeared into the ether and McCormack was gobbled up by CJ.

Unfortunately, the ability to develop great products does not automatically equip someone to weather the market's rising and falling tides any more than starting a business suddenly makes one a financial wizard. We won't even get into the marketing side!