Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?

After hearing some Rogue equipment (and reading all the comments on Audiogon) I was able to get a pair of the monoblocks for a great price on Ebay. Now I need to figure out the next upgrade step. I have a Conrad Johnson PV5, and wonder what might match the Rogue well (besides, of course the Rogue preamps.) Or would I do better to get some NOS tubes for the CJ? I'd like to keep the preamp upgrade under $2000. I'm using Proac Tablettes now, but they'll get upgraded eventually as well. I listen to all kinds of music. Thanks.
That's not a completely fair statement, Leafs. At the risk of defending my own purchases, Hales Design Group and McCormack Audio both delivered extremely good products at their price points. Both are now gone. Hales simply disappeared into the ether and McCormack was gobbled up by CJ.

Unfortunately, the ability to develop great products does not automatically equip someone to weather the market's rising and falling tides any more than starting a business suddenly makes one a financial wizard. We won't even get into the marketing side!
yes fpeel, of course i agree w/ewe. other companies that made quality product that are no longer w/us include counterpoint, threshold, spica, & artemus, yust to name a few. i guess if a healthy biz were the sole yudge of sound quality, then bose wood be the speaker audiophile crave, eh? ;~)

regards, doug s.

ps - thanks, leafs, for going thru my threads & pinging me w/negative wotes. hope it made ya feel better... :>)

Fpeel,I agree to a point but in most cases In particular with Melos they made gear that broke down and then there customer service was horrible.Yes some good brands have gone down but Melos died the death they deserved.There customer service was possibly the worst in the industry.
Go figure there is enough of the bad stuff out there that a third party is making a living fixing it.
Is this a product you want to snuggle up to.
leafs, if melos equipment dint sound so good, no one wood be able to make a living fixing it. i have an opportunity to buy a pair of their amps, configured either as 400wpc monoblocs, or 200wpc stereo amps. i *wish* i could afford 'em... i'm *not* worried about 'em breaking, i'm more interested in the sound.

but, to be honest, leafs, ewe may have a point - i've always been more concerned w/performance. the wife & i have four cars between us - oldest a '72, newest a '92. *all* italian... ;~) truth be known, they're all *at least* as reliable as any other asian, european, or american cars we've come across.

doug s.

Hi All -

Thanks for your input, some of which has been very helpful. Unfortunately, I seem to have started a little war here that is pretty much off my subject matter. If we could go back to my basic question, that would be great. If not, maybe someone should start another string more appropriately titled to what you've been discussing.