Meitner EMM DAC6e Redbook Performance

Everyone is raving about this DAC, but I have not seen much written about its abilities with redbook CD.

Would anyone care to comment who has real experience with its redbook capabilities? I understand that it converts the redbook signal to DSD. Comparisons to other top-flight redbook players are welcome.

Thank you.
For the last 9 months, I have had the Absolute Truth modified Sony XA777es (by Dan Wright) in my system. I really enjoyed both the SACD and redbook capabilities of this machine in my system. Three weeks ago I took a chance on the Meitner (now called EMMLAB) DCC2, which is the 2 channel version of the Meitner DAC6 (it also has a preamp). I bought this machine without hearing it ( there was no real way for me without travelling) based on the Positive Feedback (there were 2) and the recent TAS review. Also I had a conversation with Richard Kern about 2 months ago about further modifing my XA777es' transport, and he mentioned that no modification was yet to the level of the Meitner, which he also owned. The DCC2 needs a modified Phillips SACD1000 or the proprietary Meitner transport (CDSD) to play SACD. I now use the XA777es as a transport (via a coax digital cable) to the DCC2. I have not yet used the DCC2 as preamp; it is a source to my Audionote preamp. Thus I can only play redbook currently and I have on order the Meitner/EMMLAB transport for SACD capability (expected in May). I have both the Sony and DCC2 connected to the preamp as sources, so I easily can compare their redbook abilities by just switching sources on my preamp (I have to also adjust their respective levels to compare apples to apples) .

I was completely taken by surprise by the difference. The DCC2 is unbelievably transparent with a background that is almost absent. It had so much more air, dynamics, low level detail, etc. that after a day I stopped comparing and now just listen to the DCC2. I still think that the modded Sony is an excellent machine for the price and in retrospect would still go the same path (it is clear that Dan Wright and other modifiers do excellent work). Ihave enjoyed my interaction with Dan. In my system, I have also listened to the Krell SACD and MF trivista SACD players (on loan from local dealer/friend). I have not listened to Accuphase/Linn/dCS. However, IMO/IMS/IME there is a large gulf of performance between the DCC2 and the anything else digital I have listened to. Also in my system, to my complete amazement, the DCC2 is comparable to vinyl ( I have a pretty good analog system.) I wonder how Meitner is able to do manufacture this remarkable and enjoyable machine. I eagerly await the transport, which apparently because of near zero jitter via its glass optic cabling and clock system, improves redbook even further. The DCC2 preamp/DAC and CDSD transport are expensive (retail 15K), but I am happy with the value I have gotten.

Rob, I, too, would love to hear of your findings in the Wadia/Meitner "shootout". As the previous owner of a mid level GNSC modded 270/27i combo, Audio Aero Capitole Mk.II, Meitnerized Philips SACD 1000/DAC 6, Switchman II, and, for the last 24 hours- CDSD/DCC2 I would put the Wadia 270/27i at the bottom of the afore mentioned digital front-ends. The Meitner gear is in a different league than the others. I will comment on the CDSD/DCC2 vs. the original Meitner configuration after further burn-in, but at first blush I'm hearing definite improvements in sound-stage and overall musicality in the new Meitner combo over the 1st generation. Again, I will be in a better position to comment more conclusively afer I've spent more time with the CDSD & DCC2. I would be very suprised that, in a blind test, many- if any- listeners would chose the Wadia (regardles of any level of GNSC mod) over the original or new Meitner gear.
Fbhifi, is there improvement in the DCC2 over the DAC6/Switchman combo? Is it in the software?