Meitner EMM DAC6e Redbook Performance

Everyone is raving about this DAC, but I have not seen much written about its abilities with redbook CD.

Would anyone care to comment who has real experience with its redbook capabilities? I understand that it converts the redbook signal to DSD. Comparisons to other top-flight redbook players are welcome.

Thank you.
Rob, I, too, would love to hear of your findings in the Wadia/Meitner "shootout". As the previous owner of a mid level GNSC modded 270/27i combo, Audio Aero Capitole Mk.II, Meitnerized Philips SACD 1000/DAC 6, Switchman II, and, for the last 24 hours- CDSD/DCC2 I would put the Wadia 270/27i at the bottom of the afore mentioned digital front-ends. The Meitner gear is in a different league than the others. I will comment on the CDSD/DCC2 vs. the original Meitner configuration after further burn-in, but at first blush I'm hearing definite improvements in sound-stage and overall musicality in the new Meitner combo over the 1st generation. Again, I will be in a better position to comment more conclusively afer I've spent more time with the CDSD & DCC2. I would be very suprised that, in a blind test, many- if any- listeners would chose the Wadia (regardles of any level of GNSC mod) over the original or new Meitner gear.
Fbhifi, is there improvement in the DCC2 over the DAC6/Switchman combo? Is it in the software?
The first part of the showdown will occur in a week. We've been waiting for the Meitner transport to come and have some hours put on it. Stay tuned.
