PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?

I am a casual listener rather than an audiophile. Any opinions on choosing between PSB Stratus Gold, NHT 3.3 and Paradigm Ref. 100V2? Or other speakers in a similar price range? I have Sunfire 300wpc amp and Quicksilver tube pre-amp. The room is about 25 feet by 15 feet.
As a previous owner of the PSB Gold i's, trust me as your money will buy you a lot less!!! I have since upgraded to Dunlavy's which costs many times more and still am impressed by the kind of sound that came out from those PSB speakers. Bravo PSB!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for your advice. Sounds like the PSB's are the favorite but that any of them would be satisfactory. Or maybe some used KEF 3's......
hi tish, while i've never heard the nht's or the paradigms, i can't *imagine* choosing the psb's over the thiels. yust my opinion... doug
I have now used the PSB Stratos Gold for the past five years and with great results and happiness. In fact, I now have all PSB's in my dedicated theater room (C5, sub, and 4 x mini Stratos). My final deciosion was between B&W 801 or the Stratos Gold. For the $$, the S/G won in my ears (again cost to benefit ratio played a role). I bought mine through a dealer in NC called "Audiospectrum" and the owner was VERY good to deal with. Shipment was prompt and the discount adequate. Good luck.
Tishomingodrew, I looked at these speakers before buying(including, Theil,NHT 2.9,Vandersteen 3a, Aerial 7B). I bought the Hales Revelation3(also Rev2 for back). Paradigm 100V2 wasn't out, but Rev3(and Rev2) clearly sounded better to me. Hopefully Paradigm got rid of that cheap piece of plastic on the top of the speaker in the second version. Back to the point, Hales Rev3($2200)in look and sound was just simply the best deal(in my opinion). PSB Goldi finished a close second. The Hales will love your power...Happy listening.....LR