Musical subwoofer for under 1K

I'm looking for a new/used subwoofer that will work well with my ML aerius's. I would like to keep it under $1k. I listen to music 1st, H/T 2nd. Room size is 18x24.
I forgot the HSU Research VTF-2 only $499 new. Someone at Stereophile like it. If you can use an amp you current own to power a sub, the HSU TN1220 ($499) or TN1225 ($359) are great subs. The separate matching amp is an additional $699.
i'd suggest getting a pair, if mainly for music - *every* aspect of subwoofing improves, & *every* possible negative re: integrating w/your main speakers is minimized, when using *two* subs, imho...

i'd suggest, based upon your room size, a pair of vmps original subs, a marchand deluxe xm-9 x-over, and the best used solid-state amp ewe can find/afford. while the cost will exceed $1k, it should still be under $1500, & it will be *really* something! :>)

regards, doug

i can agree w/sugarbrie that the hsu tn1220 is good (still gotta get two, imo!), but i prefer the vmps...

For $350 you can get the Acoustic Research ARS300 over the net. This sub has 300 watt Sunfire amp and a 12 inch driver. It is fast and LOW(22hz). I great value.
