Help: WPC for my speakers

I will try to keep this short. New to the hobby and already have upgraded speakers. I now have system audio 10s. They are 88 db and have 8-4 impedance. Min power 50 watts Max 135 watts.

Currently powered by 50 watt exposure super XV. I got the bigger sound, much better clarity and much better tone accuracy with the upgrade. What I lost was the pin point accuracy/ tight bass that my smaller system audios had. I believe this is do to the lack of power I have using the exposure.

Do you all think more power will solve these problems? Second I am looking at a DK design vs1 mkll by LSA group used. This amp would be 160 wpc at 8 ohms and 320 wpc 4 ohm. Will I have to be very carefull about over powering these speaker or should I be ok with this power
Weird because one I Have heard the exposure do razor sharp image with small speakers In a very large room. I Have heard that naim sound stage was weak but with good prat but I have never gotten to listen. I was hoping the extra power would help the bass and thus help great a bigger sound stage.
I've got the 2010S2. While it is one of my favorite amps, I would not say imaging is its strong suit. It has a lot of body and it a little rolled off and pleasantly hazy at the top. For body and imaging I would suggest a B&W monitor like the PM1.
Well I may be going new amp but not speakers. Like I said my new system audio speakers do create a big sound stage just not the the pinpoint image the smaller SA did. I thinking its the change in rooms. I Will be looking for a amp with more power. At the least it will improve my bass.

I have heard BW speakers at my price range and above. I Don't care for them as much as System Audio. Like SA midrange better and the soundstage was much better. The BW were a little to bass heavy for me.
Might have been the setup.

I really want to hear the 2010S. I was tempted by one on ton but I think I want more power and reviews on 3010s seem mixed.
The 2010s2 and 3010s2 are close in price. However, I use the 2010s2 to power Harbeth SHL5s and would not want more power. It is a great match. Also, B&Ws are really love or hate thing for most audiophiles. To mr they are great.
Yes I agree people love or hate BW. I heard a 10000 BW floorstanders with classe amp and Pre. It really dropped me in the music but no sound stage.

How would you describe the 2010s presentation. I do think I need 100 watts to get the tight cracking bass I heard in there entry level system audio.