Wavac MD 300B Monoblocks

Hello all:

I was thinking about purchasing a pair of Wavac MD 300B Monoblocks to match with my Peak Consult Empress. No nearby Wavac dealer and I was just looking for a few opinions before making a 500 mile trip to audition. (which of course I will before purchase)

I do not have much experience with SET's or Wavac. I'm using Gamut D200 mk3 and the sound is quite good; just looking for alittle variety and hopefully better than "quite good".

I'd appreciate any/all opinions and experiences.

Thanks much
I heard Wavac equipment at CES a couple years ago. I was expecting something really special, from the makers of $350,000 amps, and I was quite disappointed. I think I heard 2 Wavac systems. One was in a Wavac room, their $175,000 mopnoblocks. The other was in a room with a pair of Talon's new (at the time) floor standing speaker (can't remember the name, but 2 8" woofers, ceramic mid & tweet, acrylic plates on the box). There wasn't anything particuilarly wrong with the sound of either system, but I didn't hear anything that was special. Certainly not worth more than I paid for my house.
Thanks Ralphdude and Honest1; I truly appreciate your thoughts. Of course the MD 300B monos are not in the "house" category, but certainly in the "economy car" category.

I have always wanted to hear an excellent SET on the Empresses to see if the "purity of sound" is as good as they say. Perhaps I should be looking at an 805 tube model for some increased power output and drive over the 10 watt MD 300B monos....we'll see; perhaps the dealer can arrange to have both the MD 300B monos and MD 805 monos for a side by side comparison.

Thanks again....additional opinions are certainly most welcome!
Your mention of 805 reminds me of something - have you considered the big Cary monoblocks? I also heard these at CES in Cary's room and was very impressed. I remember thinking that when I heard them, everything I had read about SET amps made sense- very vivid, clean and rich at the same time. Perhaps a touch of euphonic distortion, but I wouldn't swear to it - perhaps they were just revealing the true harmonics in the music really well. Intriguing to look at, too, with the big 845 or 211(?) power tubes. If I were to pursue the SET sound, these would definitely be on the list to audition. Hard to tell how they compare with the WAVACS, since speakers, source cables, and everything else was different, b ut the Cary system impressed me more than the Wavac systems.
hi Brian
I was wondering.
Which preamp (solid state or tube) are you using
with the Gamut D200 mkIII & the Peak Empress's.
Hi Jjtoma:

Sorry for my delayed response. I am using a VAC Ren mk2 with the D200 mk3; actually a very good match....I may forgo the SET's, as this may require biamping to get the bass I am accustomed to...even if the mids are better with the Wavacs
