Very Small 2.0 Amp for Totem Dreamcatcher

I am trying to put together a 2.0 stereo system for an office and want a real discrete minimal look to it. The music will be fed from the DAC in my usb sound interface from lossless music on my imac.

I am thinking about Totem Dreamcatchers as speakers to put out across from my desk but want a real small amp to listen at lower volumes.

Maybe something like a used Musical Fidelity X-80 or alternatives that I do not know about. I would set a budget of $400 total for the amp new or used.

I know I should just look at powered reference monitors for an office/computer setup but I have owned several and they sound anemic for music compared to a nice old totem arro setup I had years ago.

The alternative would be something powered and geared more for music like the AudioEngine A5/A2 but I would have to think the Totem/small amp would be more pleasing.
I am also considering some of these smaller systems fore heavily.

The NuForce Icon amp and the NuForce S-1 speakers as well as JohnBlue JB3

One step "down" from that would be the A2/A5 option.
The best bang for the buck will be an older stereo receiver. I have an old Luxman unit (pre-Alpine) that looks and sounds great. Tandberg, Pioneer, most any of the better units from the 70s and early 80s will work well.

If that's too large a form factor, how about a used Peachtree Decco? Looks good, sounds great and is reasonably priced in the used market.

The Totems are very good speakers, but I suggest that you also listen to the Dynaudio Audience models. The W models are front-ported and are designed to go against the wall. I use a pair of 42Ws in my office and they sound wonderful.
Lots of great choices in that price range. Since you're running one input, I'd suggest a Virtue Audio amp - they are very compact and I heard them at RMAF and came away impressed. The peachtree was also excellent (I heard the more expensive Nova, not the Decco.)
Trends Audio TA-10 Class-T Stereo Audio Amplifier