Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
well i finally decided on a speaker to go with the Ayon Spirit 3. After all the thinking and list of speakers i was going for , i went with the rank outsider. Never heard it , but this was my last try with an AMERCan Speaker.
Tyler acoustics D2 - Full range and built like a sherman tank.
List was
Proac D18
Neat SX
Joseph audio 22XL
Sonus Faber Cremona M-have the liuto and dont need another
Tekton Pendragon.-highly recommended-lore ill order soon

Might not be the right speaker but i wanted different.
Hopefully this works
Spirit 3 And CD 07 wanted ipod and USB in.
Is the preamp section in the Triton active or passive??? I cant seem to find this info...
Hi guys I'm another happy Ayon owner,CD5.So impressed with the on board pre amp,like Gammajo,I'm simply running direct to my amp.In the last several weeks I was fortunate enough to score a quad of slightly used 1980's Old Stock Reflectors at a favourable price point.I am anticipating an uptick in performance,subsequent to install I'll share my impressions.
I own Ayon cd-5s after owning esoteric x01d2 and k-03 and other players.
I confirm what Melbguy1 is saying, and very happy with its sound and the pre-amplifier section in this unit is very good. I sold my ARC ref-3 pre-amp after buying ayon cd-5s. But to the Melbguy1 point, if possible change tubes to NOS 6h30p-dr. Parts connections sells 1986 for $80-90 a pair and they can do matching quad.
I have one question so. My amplifier (3 month old Krell 302E) has input impendence of 100k ohm thru RCA and 200k ohm thru XLR. Using the XLR connection from Ayon to Krell, every time pressing play button on Ayon (starting or re-starting CD) I hear very audible metallic “ping” sound coming form a speaker’s tweeters. Also the sound becomes noisy on loudly recorded cds. Again noise coming from tweeters. . This is not happening using RCA. Is that attributed to a high gain krell is getting using XLR outs?
In both cases I drive krell directly from ayon. The low or high gain switch on ayon does not affect that “ping” sound. Any input will be highly appreciated. Thank you.