Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ Melkior, Do you have a forward sound on the 24/192 setting?, If so, you can tune that crap out!, I will attempt to do so my self!, If I can not be successful, I am done with Ayon!, unless, The 5s player has none of these attributes on 24/192!, It is A different animal of a player than what you have!, cheers!
I just got the ayon cd2s. I loved it on the regular settings. I did not like it using the up sampling feature. It is a world class player at the price point or for that matter period. It is smooth. It has great detail. It has no digital glare. It has emotion. It has great separation and soundstage. Sounds like real music. It is not fatiguing. I paired it with a cp-800 and clarus crimson cables and was blown completely away. I am in a very happy audio place now thanks to the ayon cd2s.
Here's a tutorial video for the CD5S on how to properly remove the top to access tubes and such.

More companies should have this, if you're handy, it could save a lot of headaches and shipping costs down the road.
@ calvinj, why did you not like the 24/192?, does it sound forward on that setting?, My 2s is not forward sounding on the regular setting!, however,To me, the regular setting sounds like crap!, my system is a state of an art system, that regular setting is the weakest point if I use that!, cheers!
@ Rx8man, LOL!, You must be hinting to me to go ahead to the nos 1986 p-Dr 6h30 tubes!, I bet that would kill eany forward sound on 24/192 setting!, what do you think Rx8man?, Really, In all reality, I believe I will buy some tunning footers and tune the crap sound out of the unit!, If I cannot, Its gone!,Maybe I need to look at a trL dude pre-amp!, cheers!