Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Hi calvinj,,I will tell you that I am going to go with the 6h30p- DR 1986 nos tubes for all the extension of both bass and clarity and etc..., however, If you really want to go with a warmer tube!, The cryo- treated Harmonix 6h30PI gold pins tubes is the way to go, and they are not exspensive!, The tubes I will be getting are $275.00 a piece!, you get what you pay for!, The tubes mentioned that are warm sounding are alot cheaper!, All this is worth looking into!, cheers!
I tired the stock tubes first, the 1980 NOS Reflectors which I love and have used (2 different sets) for a few years, also have about 100 hours on EH 6H30pi gold pins which are much better than I expected and excellent for the price - I think about $30 a piece.
@ calvinj, Gammajo said, The same warm tubes as I did!Theres your price!Happy listening!
I'm gonna have the mit on trial next wed. I am going to try wireworld gold eclipse 7. I really like the mit matrix cables I heard on my system. I'm gonna demo stuff before I commit.