Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
I can tell you to call u.s.a.tubes, thats where I bought my player!, They sell Taralabs cables, they also sell alot of other brands of cables, Guess what?, they use Taralabs cables on all the Ayon equipment they take to all the high-end shows all over the world!, I will also tell you that none of the cables you mentioned above are no where near the level of performance of Taralabs cables when you spend the aquired money to get top tier Taralabs cables! as a matter of fact, The Taralabs 0.8EX cables, 5 cables down from mine will literally blow the doors off any mit or wireworld cables, to each there own!, Good luck on your endeavor!cheers!
I've been thinking on upgrading. Right now I have a Triton I that has performed wonderfully for about 4 years. I'm thinking of moving to the Triton monoblocks. Has anybody made a similar move of Ayon integrated to monoblocks? If so, how much improvement did you get?

I have the AMR 777 DAC and don't need a pre for other sources. Using the pre section of the AMR is much better than the pre of the Triton, so I use the direct in on the Triton. My guess is removing the pre from my amp will help clean things up, and monoblocks should give me better channel separation. I'm happy with how things sound now, but have the itch to try something new.
@gammajo. Could you tell me how the warmer tubes changed the sound of your ayon. Did you lose transparency or detail when you made the change. We're voices affected by your change. Tell me was adding the warmth worth losing anything else to your ears. I like warmth in my system it is a must.