Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
I'm keeping my liutos after all. I just tried nordost Tyr. I liked it very musical interconnect. I just got the eh 6 h 30 gold pins. Gonna tube roll by the wknd on my ayon.
@ calvinj, congrats on the nordost Tyr and the EH 6h30 tubes!, Keep me posted on the sound of it all, after your tubes break in, I would put the original interconnect back in to hear what the tubes are actually doing, since you are familar with your last interconnects!, then put your new tyr interconnects in and give me sentiments of all of the sound, I look forward to hear what you have to say!,, cheers!
Hi All,

Finally I joined this club officially by receiving the CD-5S yesterday. The whole system is in “Higher-Fi” status now. With Ayon CD-5S as source, EDGE NL Signature 1.2s as amplification and Montana EPX as loudspeakers, I can rest for an extremely long time before any major upgrade (if any, speakers probably) and concentrate on listening to music merrily.

It is a long journey for me to reach current stage, 22 years. I started with Ariston CD1 with Marantz mini system in 1991, then move to Carver CD-490T (6922 tube based), Bryston and Tannoy combination in 1993. Not until 2001, I entered the Hi-Fi world by assembling BAT CD-5 (6922 tube based), Counterpoint SA-11 6SN7 tube based pre-amplifier, Counterpoint fully upgraded SA-100 6SN7 tube based hybrid monoblock amplifiers and Thiel 3.6 speakers. By switching BAT CD-5 with Resolution Audio CD-55 and Thiel 3.6 with Piega P-10 in 2008, I twisted the sound of my system closer to my personal taste. But I recognized then the next upgrade would be challenging and would be very close to the central realm of musical Valhalla.

Now here I am after 5-year auditing and searching. The detail story would be disclosed in another thread of my system review.

Your suggestion are always welcome.

Happy Listening!