Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Hi All,

Finally I joined this club officially by receiving the CD-5S yesterday. The whole system is in “Higher-Fi” status now. With Ayon CD-5S as source, EDGE NL Signature 1.2s as amplification and Montana EPX as loudspeakers, I can rest for an extremely long time before any major upgrade (if any, speakers probably) and concentrate on listening to music merrily.

It is a long journey for me to reach current stage, 22 years. I started with Ariston CD1 with Marantz mini system in 1991, then move to Carver CD-490T (6922 tube based), Bryston and Tannoy combination in 1993. Not until 2001, I entered the Hi-Fi world by assembling BAT CD-5 (6922 tube based), Counterpoint SA-11 6SN7 tube based pre-amplifier, Counterpoint fully upgraded SA-100 6SN7 tube based hybrid monoblock amplifiers and Thiel 3.6 speakers. By switching BAT CD-5 with Resolution Audio CD-55 and Thiel 3.6 with Piega P-10 in 2008, I twisted the sound of my system closer to my personal taste. But I recognized then the next upgrade would be challenging and would be very close to the central realm of musical Valhalla.

Now here I am after 5-year auditing and searching. The detail story would be disclosed in another thread of my system review.

Your suggestion are always welcome.

Happy Listening!
@ calvinj, Hi, I am seriously thinking about going to the esoteric K-03 cd/sacd player!, It can run direct to amp!many Ayon owners that now own k-03 or k-01 players say this player is better in every way than the Ayon 5s player!no mess with tubes!,etc.., I do not believe the Ayon 2s is my cup of tea!, I really need alot better performing source than what Ayon can offer!, since I have the amplification and cables for such top digital of the world, why not hear my amp and cables best!cheers!
Welcome to club and congratulations on your Cd 5s - nice piece of kit, is it not? Let us know what you think as you get some hours on it.