Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ calvinj, I agree with you!, It is all about the music, If I thought I can use the Ayon 2s, why would I want to try something else?, I already said, The vincent tube hybred balanced $2,800.00,, now $2,500.00 brand new player is WAY better than the Ayon 2s!, I cannot use it with my amp!, You would be shocked at the sound once it breaks-in!, very musical and real sounding!, warm sounding, a perfect soundstage!, Bass to die for!, I may buy another one any way for my second system!, It uses 3-12ax7 tubes and 1-12au7 tube, 4 channel balanced, and a philips vam 1202 transport!, pcm burrbrown 1796 dacs!, wima caps and M-caps!,and a head-phone amp built in to boot!, I was extreamly happy with this un popular player!, Its sold at Audio Advisor!, cheers.
I thought about that one actually before I bought the ayon. I needed something smooth and warm. I also was told that the tube used is just a flat out better grade of tube than you can try on the ayon. It is warmer. Do you have the Vincent player now
Just tried hi fidelity cables ct1 out of Plano Texas . They are really good. Great micro details and balanced. Great transparency. Really good at details and treble extension.
@ calvinj, no I no longer have the vincent player, we thought it was bleeding d/c into my amp, come to find out, the vincent player was not the problem, to late, we had audio visor refund us our money,this player is alot more warm and musical with the stock tubes than the Ayon 2s!!, the ayon is resolving on the treble and has over clarity, the vincent sounds very, very real, its spooky!, if you want a good deal on the fidelity cables, there is tons of them here on the audiogon used market currently!, Happy Hunting, and by all means, save yourself some money!, I bought 2 cables on my main system used!, cheers!
Supertubes have arrived they will be installed tomorrow will report after I Have them installed tomorrow.