Vinyl reissues

Do vinyl reissues sound the same as the originals?
Tim, in fact that is the exact record that makes my point.I have a friend that heard it on a big time Dartzeel system and he was amazed at how bad it was in comparison.

sorry if you own that. I have not heard it first hand, but my friend (who has a very revealing system) says that he (and the owner)were amazed at the lack of engagement,dynamics,soundstage, and sound floor. Also,this is a expensive reissue.

Then something was seriously wrong with the system your friend was listening to.
...he was amazed at how bad it was in comparison
I don't think so. Dartzeel amp and pre. The new Ortofon OB40 MC on a table I have never heard of.
This is a truly a "money no object" system in a room built specifically for 2 channel listenings including acoustic treatment and dedicated electricity.

Have you heard a original pressing?

Yes, I have an original pressing, and yes, the 45 rpm reissue is vastly better.
Emorrisiv - Don't be sorry for me owning FBR, you should feel sorry for your friend for having a "money no object" system that appears, by your friend's own description, incapable of showing the engagement, dynamics, soundstage and sound floor that this reissue delivers in magnificent fashion.

And too, I would be far more interested in your opinions of this had you actually heard any of which you speak.