bi amping question

I have an Audio Research LS7 preamp and want to run two amps to bi amp a pair of speekers. The pre has only one pair of outputs for a power amp, can I use a y conector and feed two amps ?

Mr F- Yes, you can. That's the way it's done when a passive(or active) external crossover is not employed. The output voltage of the pre will be split between the amps. To be done with proper results in this configuration- both amps should be identical with regard to gain and sensitivity. Here's a brief treatise on the subject: (
If your power amps have a line out, you can also daisy chain without having to use a Y-connector. You go from the pre-amp to the line in of power amp number one and then go from the line out of power amp number one to the line in of power amp number two. This is for passive bi-amping. The wiring for active biamping is a little more complicated, but you can daisy chain actively too.
I have two Golden Tube Audio SE40 they have no line out connections, I am ok with making up a y connection, seems simple to me.

What 6SN7's are you employing in your amps, and what type of sound do you enjoy(clean, detailed, dynamic or warm, tubey, relaxed, etc)?
Fordmod, try the y cable out. I have had good success with one at each amp. Till funds allow, then I'll go with the active crossover and additional cables.

If you need an xlr y cable that you just want to try out, check out Guitar Center.