Did anyone experience Audio Prism's Ground Control

Fellow Audiogoner's

I wonder if anyone has any input on Ground Control spade versions? I am curious about the impact of these pigtails on your system's overall sound?

I also have their quiteline filter (4pack) installed in my HT room and they have helped lower the overall noise floor.

My gear -
Krell Showcase Pre-Amp / Processor
B&W 803s and 804s (rear)
Marantz UD8004
Audience aR12
Audience Au24e speaker/interconnects.
PAD Power Cables
Hi Scott.

The single, or pair, RCA question is answered by how the strip grounds are handled in any piece of gear. If they are separated into two channels then two equivalent RCA's are needed. If the channels are not separate then one may do the trick. It may be worth getting one of each grade to experiment with, but only if you have common ground between channels. You may have to peer inside to determine this.

Look on the RCA jacks for input and output. If they all go to the same buss, for both left and right channels, then trying two different RCA's out will be worth while. Doesn't matter where you put them either, input or output, in either case.

These take about 4 hours to work through the charge stabilization period. You will get tonal vividness immeadiately, and it will increase for a period of time, but the sound will start of some what sharp and almost monaural. The GC's will gradually open up to even tonal character and reasonable stage width, only to snap back to the previous state.

With every one of these "breaths" the stage will get wider and deeper and they will stabilize at a very wide, very deep sound stage, with considerable 3 dimensional control within those spaces.

You can take them off for about two days and they will recharge within minutes. Keeping them attached will hold their charge state for quite a bit longer, but not running the system for a month will have them go through a good portion of the breathing again. When taking them to some other system, they will will need about 20 minutes to take control.

Thanks for your comments on the ground system and it's benefit. Most EE's just ask me how I can justify any sort of expense for grounds? Noting that they have never seen any data supporting that need. I just smile, knowing they will continue to provide me with satisfied customers, once their Ground Control issues have been dealt with.

That's interesting. My Audience PDC is going through
this same kind of break in pattern. It should be fully
broken in in about 3 weeks. At that time I will definitely
give the spades a try.
Hi Ozzy,

Are the 3 sets of ground controls you have in your system the standard ones, not the reference version?

Bud,would you recommend then just putting the standard GC's on the amp so the soundstage doesn't shrink and the reference at the speaker? I live in Canada, so with shipping, etc would like to get it right the 1st time.

Thanks, Greg
Moonguy, Yes, I am using the standard Ground Controls. Soon I will be trying the RCA versions.

I cannot make recommendations, only tell you what I have ended up with.

The speakers are EnABL/d Fostex Fe 127 eN drivers in Fonken prime boxes, from Planet10 HiFi in Canada. Very high resolution and sonically invisible to begin with, so the extreme specificity that the Reference GC's provide just aided with definition.

These things will resolve everything, right down to -90db, that the motor structure can pass and the entire sound stage illusion is behind the back of the boxes. Without the standard GC on the amp, this combination suffers from a less than wall to wall sound stage. Not closed down in any specific way but the illusion is of a smaller performance space, within a large space, with echos and such hinting at the larger space.

I have found the same dual, standard / reference GC, to be the best use of RCA GC's for preamp, FM radio, CD / SACD player and most recently, an M Audio 610 box that I am starting to use as an interface to a computer based sound source.

In case you missed the notice on the other thread on GC's here on Audiogon, there is a review that deals with the RCA reference GC's on Stereo Times here. http://www.stereotimes.com/
