

Responses from baranyi

Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
I asked Henry before I bought the stereo amp and he said that he didn't plan on having the Signature version in stereo. Bob 
audio metallurgy cables?
I just bought a couple of their interconnects at auction (GA-0)and am awaiting their delivery. They certainly look interesting and their feedback looked promising. Has anyone heard their speaker cables? Has anyone else heard their other products a... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Vince, I should be getting them in the next 10 days! Bob 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
A maddening problem!!!! My H2o was just delivered to my office and I can't wait to hear it. The problem is that I have two residences (house and an apartment) and the house is where my stereo system is located. This apartment is where my wife is n... 
Xindak cables: how good are they?
Richards, the last part of your latest post caught my eye because I will be using Apogee Scintillas with the H2o digital amp. It makes me wonder of this would be the right wire for the Apogees. Bob 
Xindak cables: how good are they?
Richards, I just looked up the price for the concierto violins and almost fell out of my chair. They must make them in Cremona! 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Joe, have you tried other Signal Cable products such as the speaker cables. I am in the market because I should get Henry's amp on Monday and really need to upgrade both speaker cables and interconnects. I have been looking over Audiogon and these... 
Xindak cables: how good are they?
Thanks for all the input. Do you have personal favorites for the best performance cables for the money? 
Any opinions on the eAR digital "Ice amp"
I agree with Rx8man ti get the Henry Ho H2o amp. I am waiting for the arrival of mine. Bob 
Xindak cables: how good are they?
Tireguy, Do you remember which one's that you listened to? 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
68! I can't wait to hear how you like that combo! What speaker do you use? 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Vince, good to see you on this thread (the water seems to be a bit more calm here!) What preamp are you using with your H20 monos? Hope you had a nice holiday. Bob 
ARC Ref mark2 vc Supratek Chardonnay
You might want to post this question on the Preamp deal of the century thread where most of the Supratek owners frequent. 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
H2o amp by Henry Ho is an ICE chip amp with gobs of power. It is being used on Apogee Scintillas so it should easily handle the 3.6. There is a review of it on Asylum with the 2.6. 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Joe, You have even more patience than me! I am hoping to get the first pair of Scintillas back in the next two weeks. I am also planning to vertically biamp one pair of Scintillas. I have been looking into the the H-Cat preamp which is also a curr...