

Responses from baranyi

Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Long, thank you so much for selling me your Chenin. It is really incredible looking. I would have bought the mono signatures but Henry told me that a pair of stereo amps would be better for the Scintillas. I would say that Muralman1 is definitely ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Amandarae, Thanks for the assistance. I did get an emailed version of the manual but it didn't specify what the inputs are. Thanks for clarifying it for me. I have been playing around with the gains settings and the best for me so far is high gain... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
I finally have put the 850 hours of break-in on my s-250. I mated it with a Supratek Chenin preamp and the combination is just awesome. It does nothing but make music! Happy listening, Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I was able for the first time to listen to my new Chenin that I bought from Audiogon last night. I feel that pictures really do not do this preamp justice because in person it is a visual knockout. It also sounds great and I only was able to liste... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
My H2o stereo unit is pretty much broken-in and I can say that it sounds dramatically different than it did out of the box. The stereo amps definitely take time to shine! Bob 
What's after Supratek
Thank you Rcprince. I have always used tubes in the past so this foray into solid state is new for me. Your words are very reassuring. I just got a call that the H-Cat is coming tomorrow. I guess that I'll be able to form my own impression soon! B... 
What's after Supratek
Rcprince, Can yo detail more about about your experience with the H-CAT? I have one on order and praying that it is as good as TBG says. I have never heard one. Bob 
audio metallurgy cables?
I have been using the GA-0's myself for a few days and they are very good. I have not tried many cables so I was looking for someone who could corroborate my findings. The speaker cables may be an interesting next purchase. Bob 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Amandarae, I have found the amp to be amazing now that it is on the way to breaking-in. I was very close to purchasing a Chenin but opted to try the H-Cat preamp which should be here next week. I have found the amp very cable sensitive. I had alwa... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Actually it is the H-CAT preamp that I am purchasing. What I can tell you is that interconnects are very important with this amplifier. I had the Audio Metallurgy top of the line interconnects (that I won on auction recently)last night and the amp... 
Arcam alpha 3 tuner
Sorry, I actually bought it on ebay. 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
I am now about 300 hours into the break-in of the stero H20 and my experience is mirroring Audiofankj. Every couple of days I come back to the amp and it sounds more and more like the amp that was reviewed. I will write again next week when it has... 
My Journey to Digital Nirvana Part 1
Steve, I would love to hear your system sometime. I live in Chicago and am putting together a system based around the Apogee Scintillas. I have purchased an H2o digital amp that is breaking in that can power the Scintillas and have ordered the H-c... 
audio metallurgy cables?
I guess that no one has tried their reference speaker cables. 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
I am intending to match-up the H2o with the H-Cat line stage. It should be a knock-out with the Scintillas.