

Responses from baranyi

Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Joe, Have you fired-up your H2o yet? Henry just emailed me and he is doing the final check to mine prior to sending it out. I would love to hear your impressions since our systems will be so similar. Bob 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Audiofanj, What do those power cords cost? Bob 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
I have just ordered my stereo amp from Henry and can't wait to use them on my Scintillas! I plan to buy another one in the near future to biamp the speakers. I have had a great advantage in that I was able to visit Henry this summer and hear his a... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Thank you for your fine review. I am planning to purchase an H20 amp from Henry and your review helped confirm my own point of view about these fine amps. I am rebuilding Apogee Scintillas so this amp is really a no brainer. I was wondering how di... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Engagement ring money...but get the prenuptial done so you get to keep the speakers! 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Apogee Scintillas with the new H20 Ice module digital amplification by Henry Ho. Musicians are in the room! I have not heard anything better! 
I found a pair of mint Carver Amazings
Get the H20 Ice moduled amp by Henry Ho. It is made to power Apogee Scintillas. I heard that combination and it was heavenly. I have recently bought Scintillas and intend to replicate that wonderful combination. A stereo version of the amp is $200... 
Carver Amazing or Magnepan?
How about getting the best of all worlds and get a pair of used Apogees with the new Ice module digital amps like Henry Ho's H2O amp? 
The passing of another legend...
I believe that Hafler was also part of Acrosound before Dynaco. The little Acrosound 20/20 is still highly sought after as is the ulralinear monoblocks. I think that this was his company before Dynaco. 
Apogee Duetta signatures or mirage M3si?
Saronson, Post a topic on the Apogee board that you are looking to buy a pair and you might get lucky. Also keep your eyes on ebay and Audiogon. Bob 
Magnepan 3.6r or Apogee Divas?
Mama, Henry's number is 804-873-8974. He is in Virginia so he is in EST. 
Magnepan 3.6r or Apogee Divas?
Henry is a very talented EE from Virginia who was persuaded by the members of the Apogee board to bring his designs to the market. The results have been revolutionary in their ability to drive even the most difficult Apogees with ease. He uses the... 
Magnepan 3.6r or Apogee Divas?
I have heard the monoblock H2O's on the Scintillas at Henry Ho's house and that combination was very impressive! They drove the Scintillas like they were an easy load. The only question for me is whether to buy the monoblocks or two pairs of stere... 
I need info on the H2O amps.
Henry does not have his web site up yet. He can be reached at 804-873-8974. There are many on the Apogee forum who have or plan to purchase his amps. They are quite amazing. Bob 
SS/Mono Amps Warm,Musical,Detailed
I just went to visit Henry Ho last week to listen to his amps. Muralman is right that the H20 is very good!