
Responses from beavis

Why should some speakers need a big room?
Would you put a grand piano is a bedroom? 
Surge Protection Advice
See Brick Wall ( Best Surge Protection I know of. 
Behringer DEQ 2496
ou can purchase some RCA to XLR adapters like those sold by Cardas & other manufacturers. Also, see: 
Sound tripping at "not loud enough" volumes
I second Bignerd100's analysis. Think your speakers are presenting an abnormally low load (like 1-2 ohms) to amplifier in mid/treble. The amp then runs out of gas & shuts itsef down to avoid "hard" clipping or the speakers have a protection ci... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Whose standard are we going to use? To equalize a room properly requires digaital EQ. That means alot of computing horsepower; also fancy software. Which brings up the question: who's going to pay for it. 
When will your system be enough?
When hell freezes over. 
Future of this hobby?
Sugarbrie, what a good attitude. I couldn't have said it better. 
Myth: low-power high-efficiency
My experiance has been that you neet to use about 10-15 WPC to speakers with an SS amp to let amplifier open up ("dynamic energy"); whereas an SET only needs .10 that.Good for a home owner; much less for an apartment dweller with neighbors not hav... 
Speaker Placement Tips. 
Power Cords
I have found PCs to be very system/component dependent. Like I/Cs, they can alter the "sound" of a system. Sometimes not positively. What sounds good here may not sound good there.Keeping this in mind, if you want the final word in performance fro... 
CD player vibration control ..................
Brught Star Audio: Little Rock 1/Big Rock 3 
New blood needs your Amp/system advice, please.
Before blaming amp, place some DIY room treatment at first reflection points to see if that clears up muddiness & lower-mids. If DIY room treatment makes it better, later on you can add name-brand room treatment which is generally more effecti... 
Do speakers have to "warm-up" too?
I think what you are hearing isn't speakers warming up; rather it is your amplifier warming up. 
When do you know when you're done?
Isolation Devices, Something to put on top of unit
Get old cigar box – either yours or a friends – fill it with pennies. Do not cover ventilation holes. Even if component doesn't get hot – they're there for a reason.